*Gabriella & Noemi - 2*

Start from the beginning

'Mickey', doesn't notice anything, "we didn't order any champagne," he waves off, grabbing Rose's hand. "Where's the Doctor?"

The Doctor shrugs, moving over to Rose, "ma'am, your champagne," he offers to her instead.

"It's not ours..." Rose waves off, not taking her eyes off her boyfriend. "Mickey, what is it? What's wrong?"

"I need to find out how much you know," 'Mickey's' hold on Rose's hand tightens. "So where is he?"

"Hm... Gabriella, would you like the champagne?" the Doctor asks, waving the bottle with a wide grin.

"Very much, thanks," she nods, scooting away from 'Mickey'.

The Auton looks up and smirks when he finally sees the Doctor, "ah, gotcha!"

"Don't mind me," the Doctor smiles, shaking the bottle. "I'm just toating good friends! On the house!" he pops the cork.

The cork flies straight into the Auton's forehead - literally straight into it as the plastic stretches to absorb it. Gabriella and Rose watch in horror and disgust while the Auton chews for a moment and then spits the cork out. 'Mickey' rolls his eyes, "anyway," he lifts his hands and they both turn into paddles that he uses to smash the table.

Gabriella and Rose both scream, the former grabbing the latter's hand and pulling her up and away from the Auton. The customers all scream and start to run around in a panic, but the Doctor jumps into action. He moves forward, grabbing 'Mickey' in a choke-hold and he rips the Auton's head off. The Doctor looks down at the head in his hands and the eyes open, "don't think that's gonna stop me," the Auton warns.

Rose stares at the disembodied head of her boyfriend while Gabriella rushes over to a fire bell and pulls it. The fire alarm starts to go off and she shouts to the customers, "Everyone out! Out now!"

The frightened crowd scrambles to get out of the restaurant and the Doctor looks around at all the chaos, not being able to help a wide, almost excited grin from forming. Gabriella's shouts for everyone to run snaps him out of his little moment and he tucks the Auton head under his arm, grabs her hand, and runs.

"Rosa!" Gabriella calls to her friend as she's dragged through the kitchen and Rose is quick to follow after.


Outside in the alley behind the store, the trio hurries out the back door. The Doctor lets go of Gabriella's hand to pull his sonic out and lock the door so that they have time to get away. Gabriella stays beside the Doctor while Rose goes over to a pair of padlocked gates, "open the gate!" she pulls on them frantically. "Use that tube thing! Come on!"

"What? This?" the Doctor holds it up. "This is a sonic screwdriver," he corrects calmly, slipping it back into his pocket.

"Use it!" Rose screams, continuing to pull on the gates.

"Nah," the Doctor shakes his head, grabbing Gabriella's hand again. "Tell ya what, let's go in here," he smiles, pulling the older blonde over to the TARDIS.

The blue box hums in anticipation of the girl seeing her for the first time. The Doctor smiles as he unlocks the door, feeling his machine's excitement and it amplifies his own. He was a bit nervous as well for Gabriella's reaction to the TARDIS, but he couldn't wait to see her face when she saw the console room. Maybe she'd even say the 'it's bigger on the inside' phrase he loves to hear so much.

"Erm... that's gonna be a pretty tight squeeze," Gabriella points out, not seeing how they could all fit in such a small box.

The Doctor smirks, pushing the door open for her, "think so?"

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