Chapter 7: Feelings

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I stumbled in his room still in my towel.

"Zion, What Nick Said was true I promise. It wasn't what it looked like." I explained.

"I know but I just don't trust nick." He Said sitting on his bed with his hands rubbing together. I knew the only thing to do so he wasn't stressed. I dropped my towel to the ground. Zion looked up from the ground and admired my body. I walked to him and sat on his lap. He bit his lip and started kissing my neck. I moaned from the pleasure. Zions touch was amazing but...the whole time I was thinking of nick.

7:00 pm
Zion and I got ready to go bowling as well as the other guys. I was excited to hang out with the girls because it felt like I haven't ever since Zion and I had been together.


"Can you get us a Uber?" I asked Edwin

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Can you get us a Uber?" I asked Edwin.

"Yeah, hold up." He Said as he took his phone out. Zion and I were just chilling on the couch as the rest of the guys were getting ready. Austin and Nick finally were done and our Uber was here. We got in and I texted the girls we will be there any minute. We finally got to the bowling place and seen the girls already have a booth. I seen Nick go straight to the stand to get his shoes.

"Uh babe, I'll get your shoes. Go ahead and go with the rest of them." I Said kissing his cheek. He smiled and went to the girls and I went to the stand and tested my arms on the counter next to Nick.

"Here you go." The man said handing nick his shoes.

"Wow, big feet, huh." I joked and put up the number 5 and 11 with my hands to tell the other guy mine and Zions shoe size

"I mean yeah, you know what they say, big feet big-" nick laughed but I cut him off.

"socks." I smirked as I grabbed the shoes and walked passed Nick being extra. I walked to everyone as nick followed behind me.

"Tessa! Girl! Where were you for the shoot the other day." Shay asked worried.

"I-I had a big fight with my parents and they kicked me out so I'm staying with the boys...I just don't know I'd modeling is what I want to do." I Said sitting down and putting on my shoes. Shay understood. She knew how bad it was with my parents.

"OKAY!! Let's see who I'm finna beat!" Zion yelled jumping up from his seat. I laughed and rolled my eyes. We decided it was best to do boys against girls.

"Okay, everyone back the fuck up. Ima bout to beat all y'all." I Said pointing at all the boys.

"Let's see what you got." Nick challenged. I laughed and grabbed my ball. I rolled it and it went straight to the gutter.

"Wow! Nice one!" Zion laughed as he clapped and made fun of me. I turned around and punched him in the chest, but he grabbed me and twisted me around and wrapped his arms around me as we watched Edwin go.

"Cecilia! It's ur turn." I Said snapping her out of a stare. She got up and went and got all her pins down.

"Damn, ma." Nick said shaking his hand like she burned him. I looked over and Nick and seen him staring her up and down. It made me tense up a bit and I don't know why.


We played for a while and the boys won but it was fun so I didn't care. The girls decided to just come to the boys house as well. We all go to the house and decided to have a movie night. We decided on a scared movie called "The Boy". I was laying with Zion on the couch as Nick was on the ground right in front of us. Cecilia was sitting right next to Nick. Shay and Was sitting by Edwin and Austin was chilling in a chair. Brandon and Maggie got home and joined them on the ground.

The movie had a lot of pop ups and I felt Zions grip on me cause he got scared to.

"Pussy." I whispered to him."

"You jumpin to so I wouldn't start with me." He chuckled. I smiled and continued to watch the movie. The more scarier the movie got, I seen Cecilia hide more into Nicks chest and I hated watching it. Ugh. I just don't get why I hate it tho. I seen Nick hand rubbing her back. I turned faxing Zion and started kissing him. I wrapped my leg around him and his hands wear going inside my leggings.

"Can y'all get a room?" Cecilia snapped. Nick looked at us and couched and got up and went into the kitchen. I watched him walk in the kitchen and I smirked to myself.

Zions POV
Tessa and I are so good. Like I'm falling in love with her I think. But the whole situation with the shower this morning got me pissed because I know Nick more than anyone. He knows to seduce girls. And I don't want him to take Tessa.

We w eat bowling and Tessa told me to go ahead and she was talking to Nick the whole time they were getting shoes and it pissed me the fuck off. When we were watching the movie I seen her eyes watching Cecilia and Nick. I think she started to kiss me, just to make nick mad. Or maybe it's just in my head.

Tessa's POV
I looked up and Zion and he looked pissed. He moved away from me. I looked at him confused. I then got up and walked angrily upstairs. I went into our room and closed the door behind me. I got in my pjs and laid in bed with the lights off. I then heard he door open and seen a bit of light shine in the room. I knew it was Zion.

I heard him take off his clothes and put on a pair of shorts. He claimed in bed and faced the opposite way as me. It was quiet for a bit until he spoke.

"Do you have feelings for Nick?" He Said. I opened my eyes wide and didn't ever think he would ask that. I turned around and he turned around and faced me.

"Do you?" He said.

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