A challenged king

Start from the beginning

        They passed through the archway and entered the throne room. Alys gasped at the grandeur of the room. It had long windows that let in the rays of the smiling sun. There were magnificent tapestries of crimson and spun gold ,showing men hunting mythical beasts, armed with weapons and faith. The walls were marble and although this castle had stood for centuries, it's architecture was  lovely by modern standards. The floor was decorated with precious stones from the east. The lords and ladies were assembled, expecting a scene. When they saw Alys and Edwyn being taken to the king , they murmured. Alys defiantly met their gaze without any hesitation. Edwyn head dropped so low his curls were slightly touching the floor.

         After marching the child culprits to their destination, the guards dropped them on the floor before the king. They did not complain, Edwyn sprawled on the floor , bracing himself for his fate and Alys rubbing her sore ribs.The tall, lean one announced in his broad accent, " Your Grace, we have delivered the prince and this.....girl." Alys frowned, irritated at this form of address used for her. Slowly, she rose her head and got her first look at the King of Cysenne. Her first thought was that he looked leonine. He had a rugged look and his gold curls added more to Alys' initial impression. His face was handsome, not unlike his older son. He was perhaps in his thirties, though he looked older. His demeanour gave off dignity and weariness. His broad shoulders were still powerful and he looked as a king should.

      King Leander nodded and the guards took this as a dismissal. They promptly left the throne room, quite deaf to the curious muttering of the lords and ladies. Alys heard a hysterical shriek from near the king. Alys,startled,finally noticed Ryder, now unrecognisable in his fury. "There they are! These brigands! These vandals! They ruined my sword and I will now ruin them!" He turned to his father, imploring. "I humbly ask you, father, to punish these outlaws for their heinous crimes!" His cheeks were as red as his hair and hot, angry tears were streaming down his cheeks. The king sighed. "I understand your anger, Ryder but it was just a sword. I could easily get you another. Forgive Edwyn and this girl." Ryder looked mortified. "It was not any  sword, Father! It was my treasure! I can't forgive that treacherous boy and scheming wench,"

       Alys had heard enough. She stood up ,clutching her sides. "If I may be so bold to speak to you, I would like to say that this was retaliation against Ryder's treatment of Prince Edwyn." The King looked mildly interested. "And what treatment do you speak of? Are you implying the Crown Prince mistreats his brother?" Ryder wheeled around to face his father once more. "Don't listen to her Father! I've done nothing, nothing I say! What would this peasant girl know anyway? She is probably making up stories to protect herself! And how dare she have the boldness to imply such things! She should be kneeling to us and begging for forgiveness." The king chuckled, " I think you're wrong to believe she's a peasant, Ryder. Shut your mouth and use your eyes for once.Look at her dress." The king pointed to Alys' now dishevelled velvet gown, " Would a peasant be able to afford such a thing? Honestly, Ryder, am I wasting the money I spend on your education?" Ryder flushed.

         The king stared at Alys and she felt as if he could see into her soul. He adopted a kinder tone, not patronising which Alys was grateful for. "And who are you? Before we get any further, we must establish this." Alys swallowed. She felt so small and insignificant in this great hall. She could feel the stares of the nobility on her neck. She didn't want to reveal her identity. She couldn't shame her father like this. She could feel his anxious gaze on her, willing her to say nothing. The king was still waiting for an answer. The lords and ladies had gone silent, in anticipation of the answer. Alys closed her eyes, telling herself to be strong. "I am Alys."

      The king was not satisfied with her answer. He sat on the edge of his throne, his hands folded on his lap. " What is your family name, Alys?" Alys  could imagine her father closing his eyes, bracing himself for the shame. So she would spare him that. She stepped forward, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. She knew her answer would cost her a lot. And her following speech even more. She would have to take courage. She relaxed her arms that had been clutching her dress so tightly. She looked the king in the eye and said, "And why would I tell you that? I speak to His Majesty the King and him alone."

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