A sly trick

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              It wasn't long before Edwyn and Alys had escaped the library and were roaming the castle, hunting for Prince Ryder. Alys turned to Edwyn. "Do you know where he is?" Edwyn nodded, determination shining in his eyes. He had never felt so confident. Even if what they were about to do wasn't exactly noble. Their plan had been hastily concocted, however Edwyn was positive that this plan was perfect and could not be traced back to them. Alys was little awed, truth be told. She had expected Edwyn to be a pragmatic and designing person.She thought he was the kind of person to take calculated risks and watch events unfold, not really participating unless it was in his best interests. Alys shook her head. Her lady mother and Rhoswen (who she fondly called Rosy) often said Alys liked to overthink things and her vivid imagination could get out of hand at times. She had to remind herself that the prince was an eight year old boy, the same age as her and not some subtle courtier intending to seize the throne. And it was clear that Edwyn had little interest in having the throne. She could tell from her limited interactions with the Crown Prince that he would be a weak king who would be easily manipulated by his council lords. He would take little interest in affairs of state and would probably go hunting often. She knew most little girls only focused on playing with their dolls and gushing about their future husbands. Alys didn't sword fight or anything like that: her father would be mortified. Instead she sat in her father's war councils with neighbouring lords. They were always more interesting to listen to than her lady mother telling her to sit properly.

           The prince and the girl crossed the yard and made their way towards the heir's royal chambers. They climbed the steps and entered the room. It was supplied with every comfort: satin pillows, goose down blanket and furs for the winter to come. "What are we doing here?" whispered Alys, afraid to be heard even though she knew no one was outside the bedchamber. Edwyn was  rummaging noisily through Ryder's chest of drawers. "Don't be so loud! What if the servants catch us? You won't get in trouble but if I get caught my lord father will send me back!" Edwyn turned to her. "You needn't worry, you know." Alys was bewildered. "What on earth do you mean by that?" Edwyn calmly faced her, untroubled by her concerns. "Ryder and his little entourage are going hunting. The servants around here are helping them get ready so we won't be discovered. They're bathing him with some essential oils that supposedly make the hunt go well and Ryder being the fool he is actually believed those superstitious servitors. He normally keeps that sword of his close but the only time he removes it is to bathe and it should be somewhere here."

   Alys slowly exhaled, relief washing over her body. Her heart had been beating as fast as a nervous rabbit. Her fears calmed, she helped Edwyn in his search for the sword. They found it carefully stowed away in a corner of the armoire. Edwyn slowly removed it and held it. It shone in the sunlight streaming through the window. He wielded it clumsily and Alys was concerned that he would take their heads off. " Be a little more cautious, will you? You might behead us both and I  like the way my head looks on my shoulders." Edwyn sullenly lowered the sword until it was at his side. That moment of sheer boyishness put a small smile on Alys' lips. Edwyn normally acted like a small adult so this display was welcome in a way and it brought Alys back down to earth, shattering her illusion of Edwyn being a cunning lord. Alys' eyes met Edwyn's. "Now you've got the prick's sword. What are you going to do with it?" Edwyn smirked, his features arrogant and exuding complete certainty in his plan. "I could tell you......or I could show you." Alys responded with an identical smile. "By all means lead the way, your Highness." Edwyn hid the sword in his princely  robe. They rearranged the items in the closet, and removed any trace that they had ever been in the room. Only then, did they exit the chamber of Prince Ryder.

                        Edwyn entered the stables and Alys followed, a little behind. Alys wrinkled her nose at the stench. She looked quizzically at Edwyn. He beckoned at her to come closer. She walked until she was right next to Edwyn. They were in close proximity to one another. Alys yelped and darted away from the bemused royal. "Relax. You don't have to act like I've got leprosy." Alys hastily changed the subject, not wanting to dwell on it. "Are you finally going to explain what we are doing in this  malodorous stable that smells like it hasn't been cleaned for days?" Edwyn nodded, shifting his clothes so as to cover his nose. "Well, we're going to take this fine sword," Edwyn drew the sword from his robe, " And we're going to leave it for my dear brother in a nice pile of horse shit." Alys eyes bulged. "Are you crazy? If we're caught, my lord father will lock me up at home and won't let me out until my wedding day!" Edwyn rolled his eyes. "If you are too craven to do it, you can leave." Alys' eyes blazed with indignation. "How dare you! I am no craven as you will see. Bring it on, I'm not going anywhere." Edwyn looked away into the depths of the stables, not even slightly disconcerted by the horrid effluvium coming from the stables, the fabric of his clothes drawn tightly around his nose. "Are you ready? If you want to leave, you can." Alys stepped forward , her resolution clear. "Let's go."

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