Hope to stay hidden

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We had already made it into the woods, wasn't long till we reached a small village hidden in the center of the woods. They looked like Elves but was really Dragons in their Elf forms. Kai was still unconscious, I looked around. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to act, looking at Edwin. He glanced over at my direction, giving me a glare to keep close, almost hidden from where I was. He lightly pulled me closer to him with his wing, he then gave me Kai to carry. Putting the unconscious demon that I've known from childhood on my back, I felt alittle better knowing that he was fine. Edwin started to walk to the village, staying close to him as I walked. I looked at the the look alike elf's that gave us confused looks, wasn't long before one of them came up to us. "Hey, who are these two with you?" A female elf look alike said, she still had her wings and horns. Her long red hair in a braid behind her, she gave a look at Kai. "So we got an unconscious hottie huh?" She continued. I lightly nudged Edwin is his side, he glared at me then at the girl. "We're trying to get through the woods. Mind moving out the way please?" Edwin asked as he wrapped around me and Kai with his wing, he seemed to get alittle nervous. I could tell, he kept looking at me then at the girl, maybe afraid the girl will recognize me and report us. The red haired girl still was in the way, she began to move alittle closer to Kai and I. She lightly placed her hand on Kai's cheek, he was still unconscious. I lightly moved myself back so she wasn't touching him, I wasn't sure who she was but I wasn't ready for something to take Kai away again. She gave me a wierd look, then gave a small glance to Edwin. Edwin and her began to have a small conversation, he kept asking her to show them to the end of the town or to move out the way. I started to notice that she kept looking at my direction, it wasn't me she was looking at, it was Kai. In the distance I heard some voices that sounded familiar, looking to where I heard them, I saw the dragons from before. "Oh no, they're back. What are we supposed to do?" I thought to myself as Edwin seemed to notice them too. It seemed like they haven't noticed us yet, luckily. I just hope they don't see us and tell everyone about me being an elf and people seeing Kai as a demon. Both of us could be killed right then, and if I die, Edwin dies. If I and Edwin dies, we won't be able to save the ones we love.

A Dragon's Bond Part 2Where stories live. Discover now