The Old Companion

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"Sky! Wait up, I can barely catch up! As your knight I'm supposed to keep you safe." Said a small knight who was the age of 12. "Oh c'mon Kai, you can do better! Try to catch up!" I said as I as well was the age of 12 at the time. The little boy who looked like the demon who before had a knife at my throat. Ever since Kai and I were put together, we were best friends. We were so close that both our kind wanted to set up a forced marriage to put piece to both kinds. There was Dragons on one part of the world, demons who rulled under the surface, and us Elves who was on the other part of the earth. One day all three kinds were at a meeting to set up a agreement, the Dragons wanted to live in peace with both kinds while the demons wanted to rule almost everything that they could get their hands on. The Elves soon turned away from both of the other kinds, so then the agreement of the Demon and Elf marriage was broken. All three kinds went to war, both had to get rid of the demons for if they won, everyone and everything in sight would be destroyed. The two kinds worked together to kill almost all of them, the young princess that was I, princess Skylar tried to help protect and hide my best friend Kai. One day we got caught for I was sick and he was trying to get me some food. They tried to execute him, I begged them to stop or him to run. They never stopped torturing him and he never ran away. When I figured where they had him hidden away from me at, I quickly ran down to the area. Skinny to where you can see the ribs, we were 13 when I found him. He barely trusted me, I got him food and water then tried to set him free. Right again, we were caught. I got him to safety this time, pushing him outside the window with his knight armor and sword, he fell into a river. After that I never seen him till then, he seems to not remember our past of me saving him or us being very close friends. Only seem to remember what Father and them have done to him. I wish I could have saved him sooner so we wouldn't turn out like now. Now we are 15, no longer 14.

A Dragon's Bond Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora