I found myself in a skimpy, black bikini and short tasseled Hawaiian skirt, holding a thin platter with the soft carpet grazing the bottoms of my feet. 

I hadn't slept at all the night before, from the anxiety that had built up. Being held captive isn't exactly something to become comfortable with right away. Or ever.

At 9:30 am sharp, I was woken up by a shy, quiet woman who led me to a large room after taking an elevator a couple floors up. 

I was greeted by a middle aged woman with red hair, bright lipstick, and a large mole by her nose. She sat me down and immediately got to work on my face, cleansing it, caking it, brushing it. Then she brushed through my hair and then curled it, having me flip my hair once to give it a natural look. 

She explained to me the rules of being outside and what I should do and what not to do. All throughout her explanation, I was absolutely miserable, puzzled, and anxious for what was ahead of me. 

Then I was brought to the entrance of where I had came in the day before, ready to leave for my first day on the "job."

Taking a deep breath and I was about to step out when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Spinning around, I found the hot old Boss behind me. 

I felt his eyes linger down my body and heat rose to my face quickly.

He focused back on my eyes and said, "Nice tits. You'll like your first day."

My mouth dropped open as he swiftly turned on his heels and stalked away. 

Who does he think he is? Nice tits? I've had enough. I'm escaping. No one is using me today or any day.

Sick of everything happening, I incautiously leave the mansion and head straight for where I was brought from before. The gate. 

I rush towards the other side of the mansion, ignoring the calls of the men lounging on the chairs and turn the sharp corner, relief flooding through me when I recognize the gate I came in from. 

Dropping my platter, I reaching for the handle and yank it as hard as I can, but it stays put. I push it. It stays put.

It's locked. 

I glance behind me, but no one has seemed to notice I'm gone. Thankfully, the gate is in a corner that blocks most of everyone's view of me. 

Turning back to the gate, I yank at it again. It won't budge. I pull it again. And again. And again. 

Before I know it, tears are blurring my vision and I'm whimpering in distress, continuing to aggressively yank the gate open. My heart cries for freedom and my fingers firmly stay wrapped around the knob, pulling as hard as they can. 


"NO!" I shriek, immediately recognizing the voice. I yank at the knob harder, feeling blisters form on my hands. Two strong arms firmly wrap around my waist, pulling me away from the gate. 

I scream and thrash, reaching for the gate and trying to pull myself towards it, but the Seducer is too strong. My vision blurs from my tears, and I bawl my eyes out, my shoulders shaking in his grasp. 

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay," He coos, as he sets me down against the wall next to the gate. 

Immediately, I try to run back towards the gate but he pins me back, hunching over to my level so his eyes level with mine. I look away, sniffing. I must look like a mess, my makeup smeared everywhere. 

"Hey..." he whispers, tucking a strand of hair that was covering my face behind my ear. I take in deep breaths, but all I can think of is home. I want to go home. I'm scared. 

My emotions hit me right back, the tears flowing out again, my cries filling the air. My legs feel like jelly and I find myself falling down. The Seducer quickly grabs my arm but I've already fallen onto the ground. 

He kneels down in front of me, watching me. 

I close my eyes, my hands covering my face. My blisters burn as the tears drip onto them, and I wince, dropping my hands and staring at them. 

The Seducer notices the blisters and carefully takes my hand examining them. He looks back up at me and I stare at him in sadness. Everything hurts. 

He puts my hand down and begins to stand up. 

"We need to get you cleaned-." He stops mid-sentence, realizing my state.

I'm ignoring him and sitting there, staring at a small pebble in front of me. I want to be that pebble. At least I wouldn't be held captive as a sex-maid. 

He bends over, lifting me up bridal style. I whimper, looking at the pebble longingly. 

He looks from me to the pebble, a conflicted look running across his face. He makes up his mind,  bending close to the ground so I can grab it. I hold it close to me as he takes me back towards the building, feeling all eyes on us. I guess this isn't something that happens every day around here. 

He drops me onto my bed and I lay there, staring at the pebble in my hands. 

The Seducer seats himself at the edge of the bed and watches me, as I run my fingers along the smooth pebble. 

"Why are you helping me?" I whisper, my eyes still focused on the pebble. 

"What?" he asks, his voice quiet. 

This time I turn to look at him, and his eyes don't leave mine. 

"Why are you helping me?" I repeat, "I mean I'm just a sex-maid, now. Right? There's no way out, just like you said. So why help me? Why don't you just have fucking sex with me since that your job, RIGHT? After all, that's all I am here,  just a pro-."

I'm cut short by his rather quick and aggressive next move. 

He arms fall onto either side of me, and his head hovers right above mine. 

I gasp a little, and my breath hitches to the back of my throat. His emerald green eyes burn down onto me. 

"Watch your mouth. Just because I helped you doesn't mean you can go off on me anytime you like. You'll regret it next time," he says in a low voice. I press my lips together, nodding. 

He stays hovering over me for a couple seconds, and then looks away, going back to his original position on the edge of the bed. I let out a breath.

He eyes travel down my body, and I realize I'm wearing a very scandalous bikini. I fidget, uncomfortably and he notices, his eyes snapping away. 

He gets up from the bed and without another glance, he exits the room.

This was a longer chapter! Why do you think the Seducer helped Luna?? 

Also, I'm so sorry for taking forever to update, I've been so busy with school. My uploads won't be consistent throughout this story but I'm trying my best to get as much done as I can! 

Have a fab day everyone:)

Seduced the SeducerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz