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A/N: Song- press song! If you want. Song!; Can you read about a thousand words per minute?.. No? Okay, just continue and read.


It might be somewhat poorly written compared to previous chapters.

Just a smidge of disagreeing / arguing between RoNaLd BiLiUs WeAsLeY and DrAcO (the ferret) MaLfOy
the two also coming to a truce
a secret that Ron is let in on and can't tell Harry Potter, his bff, shhh don't tell him

Enjoy reading! :)


Muffled sobs were faintly audible in the following silence, much to Draco's relief.

When he found her, he could help but stop in his tracks for a second, and a part of his very much hidden heart broke seeing her.

She was on the cold bathroom floor, arms securing her legs together, and crying into her knees. A part of her shirt was torn, the left sleeve, as was the top by the collar.

"Shh, don't worry, it's okay, you're going to be okay," the boy comforted as he hurried to hug her figure.

"Hogwarts is the best place to be, safe from all those horrid people and places, away from great dangers, and the closest to home anyone's got. I'm here for you, remember that"

The doors to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom weren't noisy, so they didn't hear when it opened soon later, amongst the reassuring words and helpful distractions.

"He's not going to hurt you, he's never going to hurt you. I won't let that stupid muggle have peace in his death, he doesn't deserve it.

"You deserve peace from all the trouble he's given you. You deserve the world, the universe. You deserve so much better, Hermione Riddle"

Her cries were reduced down to few compulsive breaths, allowing their ears to hear the contact of a wand falling against the floor, just a several feet away.

"Hermione Riddle?"

The two were already looking in the intruder's direction, and it was hard to tell who was more shocked.


"No, you know what? I'm not going to say anything," the ginger said, seeming to deny the idea of her being their best friend's enemy's daughter.

"Ron, please, just let me explain!"

"No, Hermione, I don't think I want to know"

"Weasley, shut your trap, and hear her out! You've been her friend longer than I have, you of all people should be willing to listen to her"

The Gryffindor boy stood there for a moment, silent as he contemplated his options and thought over those words.

"Alright, fine, I'll listen, but, I swear, if I hear that you're uncle is Grawp, I'm going to scream"

The two on the floor sat upright, Hermione leaning against Draco's shoulder, his hand around her.

The newcomer hesitated before sitting down, a good distance away from the Slytherin, but close enough to help his friend in the event he needed to.

"So, what is it? What do you have to explain to me that I haven't already overheard?"

His friend was visibly shaking, but he assumed she was just scared or something, and not shaken up from an abusive memory.

"Do you want me to tell him? I'll do it, politely, even. Whatever you need" asked Draco.

It took a moment, but she replied with a shaky breath.

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