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A/N: Song- press song! If you want. Song!; May need to play twice or so... :) Sorry I didn't include Dramione in this chapter, but I assure you the next one! Pinky promise.


There will be a use of non-curse insults, mentions and or flashbacks of certain events that aren't suitable for some viewers. Read at your own risk and interest... idk, yeet :)
It was already going to be lunch in the Great Hall, and McGonagall noticed two Gryffindors looking for the girl they didn't know was resting in the hospital wing. She would have to explain to them that she would not be attending her classes for a while. They seemed very worried from where she was.
Meanwhile, the girl in question woke up in the empty hospital wing. Not even the matron was there, oddly. That was when she noticed the fog surrounding her. It was very dark, and it seemed thick by the foot of her bed. Then she realized why. It wasn't fog, but a cloaked figure. By the glowing red eyes, she knew it was him. Voldemort. Her father.
She trembled a lot in her bed, and her breathing was off as she looked into those eyes. Her mind only played back to what her muggle father used to do. Tears unknowingly streamed down her face. They didn't stop forming until she felt a hand on her. It was... warm. Her vision made her see worried face of the Dark Lord.
"Don't worry, I'm here now. No one will ever take you away again" he whispered. She was still a little scared by the mass murderer, but after that whole Dumbledore fiasco, she decided he might be better than she thought. Especially better than that son of a muggle who raised her.
"You know who I am, do you not?"
He seemed like he wanted to know she was okay with him as her father. Unable to speak, she nodded.
"Are you afraid of me?" She nodded her head, unsure if he would be anything like that dead muggle.
"I'm not who you hear from that crazy Headmaster you've got. Or anyone who claims I'm some dark murderer. I only searched for you. That Harry Potter thing is unrelated to anything everyone thought. I simply heard information, false for that matter, that the Potter household may have some information on your whereabouts. I didn't want to hurt anyone, much less kill them.
"But when I got there I saw James Potter on the floor, dead once I entered. I heard a baby's cries and followed it to find Lily Potter dead on the floor, with Severus Snape sobbing over her body. The baby had a scar that looked like lightning. Once your professor noticed me he accused me of killing them. My belief is someone used polyjuice potion or transfiguration to look like me, and that someone is who I believe to be Dumbledore."
Hermione felt like everything was a lie. Dumbledore wasn't even truthful. He was the bad guy, not Voldemort. Not her father.
"W-what about the D-Death E-Eaters?"
Her father shook his head as if it was nothing important.
"They're just people who agree with me that people should not associate with muggles, unless they know they can fully trust them. Because that muggle that I was named after, that left my mother, was ignorant. He didn't care any bit. He didn't know I existed. So I'm not against muggles completely and muggleborns, I'm against the horrid muggles and those who associate with them. That is why we call some families blood traitors."
"Why is he so cruel?"
Her question was one he could not answer himself, but could sure guess. He only did not understand the true meaning she meant by it.
"He thinks he can rewrite the books so that he can be the most powerful, and most liked wizard. But let's not worry about it at the moment. How about we get you home? Your real one" he asked her.
She wasn't sure she should leave the comfort of Hogwarts, but she knew he was her real, biological father. After an argument in her head, she finally decided to speak.
"What about school?"
It made her father chuckle, which was very strange considering he was still known as a Dark Lord.
"It's over soon for Christmas break, I'm sure you'll be fine" he assured her.
He reached his hands out to her, but she cowered away and put her hands up in a defensive, arms crossed position.
She was still afraid of touch. Her muggle father was all she saw in that moment. Him and his evil grin. He never cared for her. He only cared to be hurting her.
"Hermione, I'm not going to hurt you" said her father.
Her shaking in fear made him afraid of what he might have done to scare her. What did he do wrong? Were his eyes too bright? Were his nails too long? His nose too... nonexistent?
He tried to put a hand on her arm, but she only squealed. It worried him because he knew that it was not normal, unless it was the factor of him being her father and scaring her.
He moved his hands, confident that she's going to be alright. She was in his arms, now, being carried like a child might, or a baby.
"Shh... it's okay," he tried to soothe her silent cries. Using his own form of transportation, they disappeared and left only a bit of black smoke that soon faded in the air.
They reappeared in a manor, which had people over, wearing hoods and masks.
Voldemort ignored the group and just carried his daughter up a set of stairs, and to her own room she's been stolen from all that time ago.
The crib she once had was still there, but now there was a large, king size bed with grey sheets, black pillows, and a snake plush all neat and waiting for someone to fall asleep and cuddle into bed.
Once her back felt the silk sheets, she actually felt quite comfortable for once, even with her injuries.
His eyes looked back at her while she looked at him, unsure what to think. Would he ever get angry at her? Would he hurt her? Torture her? What if she did something wrong and got him mad enough to punish her like the muggle did to her?
"Calm down, I promise I won't hurt you. Now, what is the matter? Your scared face worries me. Is it what I look like? You know I don't really control my looks, you know. No one does" he rambled as a normal father might, but she never had one.
"N-no, f-father" she stuttered a bit fearfully.
He looked into her eyes, refraining from using legillimency (A/N: I almost put legitimency, lol) to figure out her troubles.
He knew she would sense his presence in her head, and she would very well not trust him.
She was acting strange, and called him in such a formal way. He didn't like it all too much, and knew he should find out the matter.
"You can call me dad, or something else other than father, you know. Don't tell anyone I said this but I actually hate those silly etiquette terms" he chuckled, hoping she would feel at least the slightest bit comfortable with him. She still remained in the same, stiff and unmoving position.
"Was there any specific reason you were in the hospital wing?"
She knew he thought something might have happened to cause some temporary damage. Luckily, that wasn't the case for anything regarding her.
She had what felt like permanent damage all over her, inside and out, figuratively and literally. Also, she was only there because Professor McGonagall brought her when she wasn't feeling well after finding out the truth.
"I had just found out about you being my father. I was excused from classes but I still didn't feel all too well because it was a bit of shock. Professor McGonagall helped me get there" she explained, still a bit afraid of her true father.
"Ah, good. I shall reward her in the next meeting," he said more to himself, then saw her confused reaction. "Oh, right. You see your head-of-house is really a so called Death Eater. She didn't know it was you I was searching for until just earlier this morning and messaged me by owl saying she'd inform you as well. Also, she told me some other news that your muggle father figure had just passed, and the muggle mother had done so a year ago, and you never informed anyone. Not search for comfort in others. I find that odd, and in need of an explanation" he said, making her insides turn with nervousness.
"Well Cedric had just died that same day, and I didn't really want to bother anyone with more horrid news. I felt it would be selfish to ask anyone to help me," she looked away from his eyes.
He suspected a lie, and wanted to find out the truth very badly but also didn't wish to scare her away.
"It wouldn't be selfish, first of all, and second, I meant a truthful explanation. Come on, you can trust me or I'm going to melt from a bucket of water" he managed to receive a small smile from her.
He figured it was the best he would receive and encouraged her to say what really went on a year ago with her muggle mother figure.
"It's just that she wasn't around much and I never really knew her. She worked longer hours and at no point in any day would I see her. Even on weekends she worked. On holidays she would make several phone calls regarding work. It was like I didn't exist to her" she sadly explained.
She snapped out of her thoughts when she felt arms embrace her. Her father was trying to hurt her in some strange form. She's never seen anything like what he was doing. What was it?
"What's wrong? Am I hugging too tightly?"
Hug. That's what it was? She never knew what it was like. Now that she did, she really liked it.
"I'd never do that to you, neither would your real mother, even though you can't really meet her" he assured before he pulled away from the hug.
"Lucius!" His daughter winced when he yelled for the Death Eater. He noticed and instantly his voice became gentle.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?"
"N-nothing" she stuttered in response. She never told the muggle who raised her what was wrong. He never cared, so why would Voldemort?
"You don't have to lie to me. I wouldn't dare tell you a false statement" he ordered in a calm manner.
The door opened and revealed a cloaked figure with a mask in hand, no longer on his face.
"Yes, my lord?"
"Your son, is he planning on coming home for the holidays?"
"He is, yes, sir" answered the man with the long blond locks.
"There will be a meeting on the eve of Christmas and I think it might be best for my daughter that she has a familiar face around. Don't you think?"
He was testing his follower, seeing if he truly lays his loyalty with him.
"Yes, sir. My son would be more than happy to see her" he said with honesty.
Hermione felt uncomfortable with the Death Eater around. When she first met him in the summer before second year, his cold glare had almost matched the muggle's.
Though, the pureblood didn't have it in him to hurt an innocent child, especially his own. He's too bloody proud to do such a thing to his family. He wants his bloodline pure, no exceptions.
"My lord, is there anything you would like me to help you with?"
The new voice scared Hermione but she didn't make a sound. She never did that with the muggle. It was from him that she learned not to.
"Perhaps blankets for the little one?" The female Death Eater had noticed the girl shiver, but it wasn't at all from the temperature. It was from the thought of that man. That monster..
"Darling, are you cold?" His voice wasn't heard by her ears. The only thing that she heard was that voice that taunted her, laughed at her, and abused her.
"You never learn, do you? I told you not to talk to anyone! And still you disobey me. I only do this for your own good. I'm trying to help you. To fix you. Without me you're nothing. I'm trying to cover up the mess that you are."
She remembered right after those words was more than just being beaten with his belt or cut with a knife. He actually tried to make her drown by filling up the bathtub and shoving her head down in the water. It was probably what made her fear swimming or anything to do with a pool or even the ocean.
"Yes, blankets would be appreciated. Also, maybe some more suitable clothes for her" he told his follower. "Lucius, you are welcome to follow her out" excused Voldemort. The blond left and shut the door behind him, leaving the father and daughter. "You have no idea how much I missed you" said Voldemort. "Tell me, who got the pleasure of raising you?"
Hermione, of course, did not answer for she did not want to. It was the last thing she wanted to talk about with anyone.
"Hermione?" Her eyes were seeing something else, he realized. Doing it to help her, he used legillimency and tried to look for what she might be seeing.
Then he found it, the first time she had ever been abused by the muggle. He was absolutely furious with seeing it, but he checked to see more of her memories. He saw glimpses of all of them. He couldn't handle it, and stopped reading her mind.
"Hermione... why didn't you just tell me? I wouldn't let that happen to you. I'd never do such a thing. That man will pay for what he did to you" said Voldemort, trying to control his temper so he doesn't frighten his daughter. She figured out exactly what he did to know the truth.
"No he won't" she whispered.
"What? I won't let him get away with hurting you for years. No one would allow that to happen" argued Voldemort.
"But he's dead. He killed himself" reminded Hermione, making him remember what he was told by his Death Eater spy.
"Right. At the least you need to be healed. Luckily I have a trained healer for a follower. Lucius!"
Almost immediately, his 'loyal' Death Eater of a coward entered the room at attention.
"Yes, my lord?" It was a struggle for Voldemort not to roll his eyes.
"Get your wife here, and Bellatrix while your at it" ordered Voldy with his usual cold voice. "Of course, my lord" responded the monotone voice of the blond man.
Being the opposite of how the Daily Prophet describes him, Voldemort held his daughter's hand and gave her a warm smile.
"You're going to be okay. I've got you, now" he tried to soothe her worries away. It didn't really do much, but he tried. He's never exactly gotten a chance to properly raise a child, as she was taken away.
The moment the door opened to reveal the annoying face of Malfoy, his lovely wife, and her sister Bellatrix, Voldemort was glad. His daughter would be healed in no time, if it went well. He gestured for the women to approach, but had to stop Lucius who had misunderstood who he was directing the message to.
"Narcissa, you've had experience with healing before, correct?" She nodded curtly with her hands trying not to fidget.
"Excellent. I've got a task for you, and your sister will be asked to assist you with what you need" informed Voldemort.
"Of course. What do you have in need of my assistance?" He indistinctly motioned to his daughter, who was too busy hiding her pain to notice.
He led the two over to his daughter, who looked at nowhere in particular, just upwards toward the ceiling.
She really saw two flaming eyes, and they weren't the red ones of her biological father.
No, they were the brown ones of the muggle who belonged in prison, his corpse rotting inside a cell.
"Hermione," he said in a soft tone, bringing her back to reality. She looked at him and then saw the two females who she has not really ever seen before that day.
The one with dark curls seemed to Hermione to have the combined potential of a snake, lion, tiger, bear, and rhino. Basically, she was downright scary and murderous, if provoked.
Then the other one, with similar facial features, had a warmer feel. She seemed so caring and protective, and Hermione assumed she was only over worried for Draco, being her only son.
"They're going to restore you to full health, okay? No more of that pain" smiled Voldy.
It was small so only his daughter would notice. He wouldn't want his followers to think he's gone soft.
He sensed her fear, but nonetheless she nodded. Of course, he thought. Gryffindors are stubborn and don't show weakness much.
With a quick wave of his wand, the solid drapes that were around the large bed covered the view from the foot of it, and most of the sides up to the ground of feared purebloods. Well, the blonde wasn't feared unless you count her son.
"Yes, my lord?"
"Make sure Severus and Minerva are informed of the next meeting" asked- well not asked, but you get the idea- Voldy.
"Right away, my Lord" assured Lucius before he exited the room with purpose, surprisingly.
The first thing before any healing was actually performed, the three adults noticed the sweat that camouflaged on the girl's forehead.
"My lord, if I may, can I ask you to step aside so I can fully address the matter at hand?"
The noseless man moved to the only other area he could access that was close to his daughter. He couldn't see her due to the drapes guarding the bed.
Not too long later, but a whole lifetime to the Dark Lord, Narcissa and Bellatrix let out a small shriek as they saw every last evidence of the horror Hermione lived through.
"This is awful, who did this? I know it wasn't you, as no one could pull off such a thing by themselves" demanded the blonde.
"The male muggle who raised her," answered Voldemort for his daughter. "The other muggle knew none of it as she was ignorant and only worked long enough to never see her at all."
It made the witches furious, but they hid their anger so the fragile girl couldn't see.
Bellatrix noticed with a glance the face her younger sister had. She didn't have to ask to know what was wrong. Her cloak vanished behind her as she moved aside to speak to the dark one she adored.
"My Lord, I hate to say this but I think it may be too difficult and painful of a process to successfully perform. If we were to heal her, it would probably be best if we go little by little, as to not make her suffer too much at once" she told him.
"Do what you must, just help her" responded Voldemort. He would not let his daughter remain in such a state forever. She needed to be cared for and have a proper health. Her being in pain made him suffer. No matter what anyone says, he does care for someone other than himself. It was his daughter. And endure she will not.

Storm GreyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora