1- What's Happening to Me

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Destiny's POV

I sit up gasping and look around. I have no idea where I am and scream. I hear footsteps and look to my right. I am shocked as I see Dr. Caitlin Snow standing in front of me.

Caitlin says,"Calm down, Destiny. You're safe. You're in S.T.A.R. Labs."

I ask,"What happened? Why am I naked? Why am I here?"

Caitlin answers,"You were struck by lightning. We had asked Detective West to bring you here. I had to keep an eye on your vitals and also you were kind of fried. You were in a coma."

I ask,"How long?"

Caitlin replies,"Nine months."

I let that sink in then ask,"Can I get some clothes?"

Caitlin goes to a cabinet and gets some clothes out and hands them to me. I quickly get dressed and stand up. I remember Barry and gasp.

I ask,"Where's Barry?"

Caitlin says,"He's in a different room. He's alive."

I look at her and ask,"You didn't think that was important?"

Caitlin looks apologetically and I say,"I want to see him."

Caitlin motions for me to follow her and I do. We walk down a hallway and turn left. I see Barry laying on a table and run to him. I stand there and look at him. He's shirtless and I blush. I look at Caitlin and she's looking at his vitals.

I ask,"Is he going to wake up?"

Caitlin says,"We don't know."

A gasp comes from next to me and I whirl around to see Barry sitting up. I throw my arms around him.

I say,"Thank god you woke up."

Barry asks,"What? What's going on, Destiny?"

I reply,"We were struck by lightning. We've been in comas for almost a year. I just woke up ten minutes ago."

Barry sits up and swings his legs over the table and walks to a mirror. He's in sweats and I look away.

I say,"Barry, we were struck by lightning."

He asks,"Lightning gave me abs?"

I ask,"Is lightning supposed to give people abs Dr. Snow?"

Caitlin replies,"That's why we brought you to S.T.A.R. Labs. We have been trying to figure out how you two survived being struck by lightning."

I say,"I think we should get back home. We need to get back to work."

Caitlin says,"You can't."

I ask,"Why not?"

A man's voice says,"Because you were brought here since you have been struck by lightning, woke up from a nine month coma and are walking around like you weren't struck by lightning."

I turn and it's Dr. Harrison Wells. That's Barry's idol.

I look at Barry and he says,"Look I'm absolutely fine. Destiny's absolutely fine. Can I keep this sweater?"

I smile and Dr. Wells says,"We can't stop you from going but we don't recommend it."

Barry says,"I'm sorry. But we have jobs and bills to pay."

I go to Barry and he takes my hand. I blush and look at Dr. Snow.

I say,"It was a dream of mine to meet you Dr. Snow. I just wish it was under different terms."

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