Forever in love, Niall Horan

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Chapter 4

"Uhh Louis, I'm tired so I'm going to bed." Katrina sighed.

"Yeah I better head off, I'll grab the boys," Louis groaned.

"Nah, just leave em' if their asleep" Katrina yawned.

"Ok seeya" Louis agreed.

Katrina's P.O.V

"ugggh" I sighed tiptoeing down the hall to my bedroom.

I whipped off my dress and chucked on my green hooded head to toe onesie and slipped into my bed pulling the covers up to my chin and letting my thoughts take over.....

Louis. Louis. Louis, I did like him and I think he might have liked me but I needed to get to know him a bit more before it turned into anything more than friends....

-------- Morning------

Niall's P.O.V

I could smell the scent of pancakes and bacon with a sweet smell of maple syrup. Then I felt Jordyn move. Crap I forgot she was there.

"Oh, hi Niall" Jordyn murmured sleepily.

"Hey Jordyn, how did you sleep?" I questioned her.

"Good, your comffie" she said shyly.

"Breakfast is ready" a sweet Aussie voice yelled from the kitchen.

Jordyn got up quicker than me and bet me to the kitchen, I wasn't far behind her though. We weren't going out but we had always liked eachother. I didn't want to admit it till she did though.

I entered the kitchen and saw Jordyn propped up at a bar stool at the bench and then Katrina was standing over the stove in her green onesie putting all the bacon and pancakes on a big plate then sitting it on the bench were Jordyn and I were sitting.

I reached for the food but then gave it to Jordyn as she said,

"Laides first" with a huge grin on her face.

"Leave some for me" I chirped.

"I will" she agreed while putting two pancakes and a rash of bacon on her plate and drizzling maple syrup over it.

"I saw you two cuddled up on the couch together last night, now what's your Facebook relationship satus?" Katrina joked.

Or cheeks both went bright red and we just kept eating.

I do like Jordyn, I said in my head I think?

That was quickly solved by Katrina.

"Did you just say that out loud Niall?" she paused then kept going, "I think you and Louis need to keep your thoughts in your head and not let them escape through your mouth." she explained while my cheeks were now burning!

Then Liam and Zayn came in at the wrong time.

"We knew it" they both chanted obviously hearing what I said.

"Maybe I do" I blurted out then regretting it.

I spun around off the chair and left the apartment to get away from the awkward situation.

I heard footsteps running after me down the apartment blocks hall.

"Niall, stop don't be embarrassed" a familiar voice called.

I turned around and there stood, in the middle of the hall was....


Hope you enjoying it :)

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