Wasn't that long later that Chris found it however he heard the sound of gunfire looking over he noticed some of the guys around you both as you seemed to have been now standing from back to back taking them out. Even if he were to release you two from that place they would close in so he helped the best he could before finally freeing you two from there.

Soon the three of you regrouped as you continued onwards though once again you found yourselves fighting it out with the men on the boat as you kept moving forward. Though once you were finally inside you three carefully looked around the place for them.

'Knowing Wesker he has something planned ahead of time...that man never cares for others around him. What does he have up his sleeve this time?' You thought.

Chris and Sheva talked about Wesker for a moment as the three of you walked down the many steps of this boat, it might be huge but once the fool knew you three arrived Chris mentioned he'd find you three due to Wesker's ego. You, on the other hand, agreed to that having a feeling that's just how the bastard was.

Finding a white door you three slowly walked in seeing Excella there looking in some sort of case, not getting a good look at the case just yet you weren't sure if it was something you've seen before however, you kept your gun raised towards her.

"Freeze!" Chris shouts.
"What's going on here?" Sheva asked.
"Nothing that concerns either of you," Excella replies.
"We're not giving you an option, now spit it out!" Sheva demands.
"Foolish woman answer already, because I'm so wanting to pull the trigger." You growled.
"Tell us what we want to know and you won't get hurt. Where's Wesker?" Chris demands.
"If you can behave yourselves, maybe I'll tell you," Excella smirks as she grabbed another case then ran off.

This made all three of you shoot towards you, how she avoided getting hit by your bullets while running off in heels was beyond you. But at least one case was left behind since now you could know just what was inside of them making it perfect for you to remember it easier.

'Wait isn't that...' You though remembering something.

"She's tough. I'll give her that much." Sheva comments.

Not long after the two joined you in looking at what was inside the cases, but your memories were still fuzzy and pretty much clogged up so you didn't really realize you saw this before. After that, you three did a short exploration of the lab on the boat finding a few more reports on your experimentation and it was there that Chris and Sheva realized that why you weren't reacting as others did when infected by a virus made by Umbrella...you weren't mutation...

"(Y/N)...they did all this to you for all these years?" Chris asked.
"I don't remember too much of it thankfully, but yeah all these years I've been through that." You sighed.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through this." Sheva frowns.
"It doesn't matter anymore, let's just focus on this mission." You replied.

Chris knew there was more than just 'not remembering' and he had also had been wanting to say something else but he knew if he pushed further you'd shut down like usual, so he just took the lead to get out of there and continue on after Excella and Wesker as well fighting your ways through. It didn't take to long until the three of you came up to different area's of the boat as some of the men inside had different high powered guns.

You were growing more and more annoyed by the minute from all this and how long it was taking you've had a bad feeling for a while now that you might just be too late...however you remembered that Wesker does love to show off before making his grand 'escape' while leaving others to deal with his 'creation' of some sort.

Getting in an elevator you didn't realize Wesker was watching from the monitors from where he was at.

"So you've come this far...too bad you won't make it any further." Wesker comments then remember his 'visit' with Spencer.

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