Chapter Eight: Game Battle

Start from the beginning

Infinite: He'll defiantly be beautiful.

The two shared a kiss and continued to look at the stars.


Lari was designing her own company with her technology, which had already gotten her tons of money and employees.

Lari: *Whistling* Man, business is great! I've still gotta think of a name for my company, though... Hmm... I know! I'll call it... "Future-O-Gaming"! Perfect! Tas Corp's customers are gonna stop buying stuff from them and come over to Future-O-Gaming! 

F-O-G Employee: Hey, Lari? What are your business plans? Have you got a lawyer and some other stuff-

Lari: Yes, I've sorted all of that stressful stuff out. I'm about to play a game.

F-O-G Employee: Sorry, Lari. Can I watch?

Lari: Sure, go on ahead.

The employee sat down near Lari as she lifted her Meta Runner arm up and went into Rocket League.

Lari: Alright, let's do this shit!

Lari began driving her car and rammed into the ball as it bounced off the goal post.

F-O-G Employee: Oof! So close!

Lari: Grrr... Not helping.

F-O-G Employee: Sorry, Lari.

Lari avoided the other cars trying to ram her and hit the ball into the goal.

Lari: Yes!

F-O-G Employee: Woohoo!

Lari: Just gotta keep that up until the timer runs out.

F-O-G Employee: Yeah! Go, Lari!

Back with Tari...

Tari was too playing Rocket League when she noticed a player doing extremely well.

Tari: H-huh? Wow... That player is amazing!

Lamar: What is it, Tari?

Tari: Look at this! My team is struggling against this player! They've scored twice in only under thirty seconds!

Masa: Wait, really?

Sofia: Oh my...  

Infinite and Crystal walked downstairs and looked at the screen.

Sofia: Tari, this person keeps scoring without any effort! Are you sure it's not a hacker?

Lamar: I'm not so sure about that. Most game systems detect hackers instantly these days.

Masa: True. It must be just some really skilled player.

Infinite: Tari, why not head into the game yourself?

Tari: Hmm... Sure!

Tari tapped her Meta Runner arm and was sent into the game.

Crystal: There you go!

Tari: Alright, let's do this!

Lari stopped driving and saw Tari in her car.

Lari: H-huh?! What's she doing in here?!

Tari: G-guys...? That skilled player is Lari...

Infinite: WHAT?!

Crystal: Holy crap! 

Lari: Oh, you're gonna get it Tari!

Tari: We'll see about that! Tell you what, let's end this game and play a new one!

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