Chapter 2

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I roll over and have a mini heartattack as I nearly fall off of the tree branch that I was sleeping on for the night. Sleeping in the tree branch seems to be more comfortable than it sounds. Of course, you have to make sure you're safely strapped onto the tree, not like me. A squeal comes out of my mouth and I quickly grab ahold of the branch underneath me and hold on for dear life. Paisley leans her head to look at me. She breaks out laughing.

"It's not funny!" I call up at her. She shakes her head.

"Actually, it kind of is." She replies. This is just great! She saw me on my stomach, holding on for dear life onto this branch. I look down to the ground that is beneath me and blush. I'm not blushing in the cute way, but in the way where I am totally embarrassed. Tallan appears in my vision. He looks up at me and laughs. I place my head down on the branch even more embarrassed than ever. 

"This can't be happening!" I mutter. 

"Hanging in there, Kiplin?" He laughs. I look down at him again. 

"Ha. Ha. Very funny, but you would've done the same thing too if you were about to fall off of the branch when you rolled over." I shout to him. He shakes his head and crosses his arms. 

"Most people would expect this to have happened to me, but it didn't. It happened to you." He mentions. I roll my eyes and get down. I move my hair out of my eyes.

"Yes, yes they would, but it didn't happen to you." I say. "I just like it how you guys don't care that I could've died when I woke up." I shake my head in disappointment, I have such great friends. They begin to laugh again. 

"We're great, aren't we?" Tallan tells me. I roll my eyes. 

"Hey, I care if you die. I would be so upset if you did. Life would be different without you, Kippy. My heart would shatter into a million pieces if you died." Paisley calls down from her branch. I smile and look up at her. 

"Thank you, Paisley. I know you care for me." She smiles back at me. "So, what are we going to do now?" I ask everyone. 

"Well, I think that I should start dating Paisley." Tallan replies. Paisley rolls her eyes as she gets down to the ground. She walks over towards us. 

"Not going to happen, Tallan, but nice try." She tells him. He frowns. 

"Come on, give me a chance. Just one." He exclaims. "You know what they all say, you go out with Tallan, you never go back." He smirks. She crosses her arms not impressed. 

"Really? They say that? How many girlfriends have you had?" She asks him. 

"Lots. There's too many to count." He scratches his head. I smile a crooked smile. 

"You haven't had any girlfriends, have you?" She asks him seeing through his lie. 

"No, no I haven't." He answers as he looks at the ground. "Is that pathetic?" She shakes her head. 

"No. What's pathetic was what you said. Who has ever said that you go out with Tallan, you never go back?" She laughs. He rubs his arm embarrased. He giggles nervously. 

"Well, no one really. It just came to me when I said that. I just tried something so it would make you want to date me. You know?" He explains to her. I stand there silently laughing.

"That's not the reason why I won't date you." She tells him. He looks straight at her shocked. 

"It isn't?! Then what is?" She looks him in the eye. 

"You're too young for me, sorry, but it's true. If you were older, then I would consider dating you," She tells him. He seems to cheer up. "if Kiplin and I never met." She adds. He still seems to be happy about this. She practically said in, 'in your dreams' and 'if Kiplin wasn't here.' 

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