It's Late

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On a late winter night Dumbledore walks down the halls, into his office and looks wistfully at his bowl of Sherbet Lemons.

"It's late," he said longingly.

"We know," they replied in unison.

"You-you can talk?" He asked, surprised.

"Well, what d'you think?" They replied.

"I'm sorry.. It's just you've never replied to me before so.." He returned, stunned into near silence.

"We know!" they shot back.

"Imma eat you!" he declared ferociously.

"Noooo, please don't!" They begged, but it was no use, Dumbledore had already eaten one of them.

"Until next time," He said, closing the door softly behind him.

Dumbledore X Sherbet LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now