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Quinn screamed out in agony, damn giving birth is not as easy or quick as it seems on TV. She'd been at the hospital for over an hour and Puck still hadn't shown up.

'You have dilated 8 cm, your baby should be coming soon.' The doctor said and left the room.

'Where is he?' Quinn screamed out passing through another contraction.

'Noah is not going to miss the birth of his baby.' Rachel said in an attempt to calm her down, it didn't work. 'I'll call Finn.' The brunette said and left the room.

'I'm freaking out.' Quinn said lowly.

'Why?' Santana asked.

'What if I'm a terrible mother?' This was the first time she ever expressed any concerns about having a baby.

'I-' Santana didn't know how to reply. 'Look, you are my best friend. After my Abuela practically disowned me, you were there. You were their for Mercedes when Sam cheated on her, you helped Becky Jackson impress her boyfriend. You have helped us through everything, yes you will need help along the way but we will be there for you like you were there for us.' Santana said. 'You will be a great mom.'

Quinn smiled and hugged the Latina.

'I'm here.' Puck said barging into the room with Finn and Rachel followed close behind.

'Where the hell were you?'

'Finns piece of junk car decided to break down, today of all days.' Puck explained. 'Are you okay? Are you in pain?'

'I'm about to push a human being out of me, yes I am in pain.' Quinn bit. Puck wasn't hurt by Puck's words, he knew it was the labour pains


'Okay Quinn, you're going to have to push.'

'I can't.' Quinn screamed.

'Yes you can.' Puck said encouraging her.

'I'd like to see you try.' She bit.

'She's crowning.'

And just like that, in an instant small cries filled the room. The doctors cleaned off the baby and handed her to Quinn. The new parents looked at their baby and instantly fell in love with her.

'Do we have a name?'

'Not yet.' Quinn replied completely starstruck by her baby girl. The doctors nodded and left the couple with their baby.

'Actually, I was thinking about a name.' Puck said standing up and reaching for his guitar case.

'I was wondering why you bought that.' Quinn smiled. He picked up his guitar at the edge of the bed. 'I swear, if you wrote a song about the name Jackie Daniels, I will not hesitant to kick you.'

'It's not. While Jackie Daniels is a great name, and if we ever have a boy we're are naming him Daniel.' Puck said. 'It's not right for a baby girl.'

Beth I hear you calling
But I can't come home right now
Me and the boys are playing
And we just can't find the sound
Just a few more hours
And I'll be right home to you
I think I hear them calling
Oh Beth what can I do
Beth what can I do

Quinn teared up listening to the song. It was perfect.


'It's perfect.' Quinn smiled and for the first time, their baby girl smiled. 'And it seems like she likes it.'

Everyone piled into the room and all took their turn at cooing at the baby.

'Does She have a name?' Rachel asked.

'Beth.' Quinn smiled. 'Bethany Rose Puckerman.'

'Puckerman?' Puck asked.

'Yeah.' Quinn smiled. Originally at the beginning of the pregnancy they had agreed to call the the baby Fabray.

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