Day 1

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Logan let out a groan as the loud beeping of an alarm banged into his ears. Logan grabbed the clock and tossed it hard at the wall. Amazingly the clock survived, and the beeping continued to ring. Logan rolled out of his bed and grabbed the clock and turned it off. It read six-o-clock, making Logan whine through his teeth. He placed the alarm back down on the table and slipped on some clean clothes. Logan never woke up so early, but with the talk of his brother, Victor Creed, being sited many times at a high school gave him a new job. Being a teacher. Logan at first rejected the idea, but the professor thought it would be the best chose of action. As not only can he look for Creed he could make sure the students were safe. The school as a non-mutant school so they could be easily hurt. The principal of the school knew he was coming, and expected him. Logan walked out of his room and left the building, pulling out a cigar. He looked to see his motorcycle already turned on.

"What the-?" He breathed out confused until he felt a hand clamp on his shoulder. Logan turned to see Scott with a small smirk on his face.

"I'm sorry did I scare you?" He said in a baby tone, making Logan groan in response.

"What the hell are you doing here Scott?" Logan hisses out walking to his bike, lighting his cigar. Scott was hot on his trail.

"Profesor wanted me to make sure you went-"

"The key isn't in the engine, how is it on?" Logan cut him off, pointing at the empty spot meant for the key.

"I hot wired it," Scott said,

"You what?!" Logan barks out, "You fucking hot wired my bike?"

"You should leave if you don't want to be late," Scott says a coy smile on his face.

"This conversation is not over," Logan growls out, then drives off, leaving Scott alone.

Logan opens the door. Logan looked at the empty classroom and sniffed the aroma. It smelt like it was just cleaned and then you threw in stuff like paper and pencils. Then the small hit of ink made it to his nose. He looked at the copy machine and grimaced. He looked over at the 'Teachers desk' and saw a laptop with a sticky note on it. Logan walked over and pulled out the note from the computer.

'For our new Teacher! Free of charge. Get signed in, and we hope you enjoy your stay at our wonderful school!' signed, Principle Vaughn, or Mr.V.

Logan rolled his eyes and crumpled up the note into a small wade and put it in the trash bin. He sat in the chair and opened the laptop. Logan never own a thing like this, so he had to make a Gmail first to even sign into the thing. When he finally got into the laptop a loud bell rung. And Logan herd the hoard of teens from far way run and chatting with there friends before they get to class. Kids started to pile into the room, eyeing Logan. Once everyone was in, Logan sat up from his table and let out a cough. Getting the chatting kids attention.

"I am not, a substitute. But I am not going to be here the whole year." He said. Kids looked at each other confused. Logan sighed.

"Your previous teacher quit. I took her place, but I'm not going to be here for that long." Logan said. "My name is Logan but since its a school thing to tell you kids my last name its Howlet. Call me Logan, or Mr.Howlet I don't care. Sinces it's my first day here do whatever I don't care just be silent." Logan said, The kids shrugged and started to whisper to each other

The door slammed open making the kids jump in surprise, Logan turned to see a tired-looking girl at the door at the entrance, her hair was messy, and her clothes looked picked at the last minute.

"I'm so so sorry Ms.Lance! I know I was late, but I can explain!" SHe blurts out, but she stopped when she saw Logan.

"Oh your not Ms.Lance..." She blushed in embarrassment, all the kids laughed, and a kid shouted out.

"Pffft...what a suck up,"

Her face turned red from embarrassment to anger quickly.

"Everyone shut up, what your name kid." Logan barked out,

"Y/n," she mumbled out glaring at the kid.

"Ok, well Y/n, go take a seat."

Y/n walked to her set, that happens to be right in front of Logan.

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