✔️Chapter 16: A Late Suprise

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Chapter 16: A Late Suprise
3 Weeks Later
Saint Louis, Missouri
Randy Orton's House
Amanda's POV:

I was almost shaking as I waited for Randy's mum Elizabeth and his sister Ellie to show up at our house.

Yes, Randal forced me to move in a week or two ago, forced is a little exaggerated though.

My rapid pacing was interrupted by the doorbell as I sighed and ran over to open the door. I was greeted with hugs that I didn't hesitate to return.

Once inside we all sat down on the couch as they stared at me.

"So? Have you taken one?" Ellie asked.

I nodded as I grabbed the test and tossed it to her.

Both her and Elizabeth stared, mouth apage as they were as shocked and surprised as I was.

"How far along?" Elizabeth askee as she hurried over and laid a hand on my stomach.

I shrugged helplessy and the reality slowly set in "I'm guessing that first night 2 weeks ago but I won't know for sure until my appointment next week"

Ellie nodded as Elizabeth smiled and went to call Bob to tell him the news.

The second she left Ellie smirked at me and raised an eyebrow "First night? How many times have you guys done the jiggy?"

I laughed loudly "Jiggy?"

She giggled as I shrugged but I couldn't help but smile "We've.....both decided we're old enough and been through enough where we don't have to wait. We.....everytime he's home"

Ellie's smirk only widened as she nodded "Who else have you told? Does he know?"

"No he doesn't. I just found out. I called you and Liz first, my next call was gonna be to Phil and April then everyone else. I want to surpise him"

Ellie smiles gently as she glances at my stomach "I'm happy for you guys. Randy deserves someone good and that's you. And I promise he'll be an amazing father, if you give him the chance"

I thanked her as Liz came in the room and told me Randy would be home later as John was brining him.

We decided to throw a small party to suprise him.

I smirked and texted my friends the news.

Randy's POV:

I sighed and rubbed my head as I collapsed on my couch.

John, Bryan and Nick (Ziggler) were waiting for me so we could head out.

Yet all three of them had their heads buried in their phones with smiles.

I coughed and they looked up and shared a look before looking back down, not even acknowledging my presence.

"I feel left out" I mentioned yet got no response.

I rolled my eyes and stood as I grabbed my duffel as all three finally put away their phones.

We were walking to the car when Bryan finally spoke "So how's Amanda? I haven't heard from her in a couple days. Also have you seen Alanna recently?"

I couldn't help but sigh "Amanda's good, she was not cleared by the doc and Hunter isn't letting up. I have a meeting with Vince to talk about what to do soon. And Samantha still is denying me visits. We have a court date soon too. I just want my little girl. I've already missed a lot of her life"

The guys shared a look and sent me sympathetic smiles.

"Don't worry dude, it'll get better. Real question though, do you want a future with Amanda?" John asked with a protective gaze.

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