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Sanji thought he was prepared to talk to Zoro but when the swordsman left his friends and made a B-line for Sanji, his mind went blank. Zoro commanded the room, pure power and strength flowed off of him as he walked. Three swords hung on his hip adding to the menacing presence he already had. The rest of the opponents barely dared to look at him. The swordsman's face held a deadly serious look as he stared straight ahead, straight at Sanji.

Sanji mentally kicked himself as Zoro stopped next to him. Zoro hadn't even bothered to address Sanji yet. He just stood there, his dark eyes were unreadable as he stared at the mat in front of them. Sanji's brain was screaming to say something but what was he supposed to say. But he couldn't think of anything except the fact that he should not have come. What was he thinking, obviously Zoro didn't want him here? They both stood silently for what seemed like forever watching the first match until Zoro spoke up.

"You shouldn't have come to this match." Zoro's voice was firm and his words hit Sanji full force in the chest. He felt his heart began to ache, he was right he should not have come. How could he be so stupid to think Zoro would want anything to do with him. "It will be a waste of your time honestly."

"Yeah. Coming here was a waste of my time." Sanji snapped at him before turning to walk away. How could he have let them talk him into coming? Even if it were to make Nami happy he couldn't put up with the moss head. Not like this. "Tell Nami I'll see her tomorrow."

Confused Zoro stood watching the blonde shove his hands in his pockets and stalk towards the doors. Zoro legs started moving before he realized what he was doing. Everything about this seemed wrong but it didn't stop him as he chased after Sanji. He knew it was stupid to try to change Sanji's mind especially when he was pissed off. If there was one thing Zoro knew about Sanji, it was how stubborn the blonde was when his mind was made up

But he wasn't going to let his one chance to show off for Sanji slip through his fingers. Zoro caught up to him as he reached the doors. "Wait just because the match will be boring doesn't mean I don't want you here."

"Make up your mind Zoro, you just said I shouldn't have come to this match."Sanji was now glaring at him with such ferocity the swordsman almost took a step back.

"Yeah-" Sanji didn't let him finish as he stepped through the door he wasn't staying to play Zoro's little game. Before he could process what had happened he was up against the building with a very pissed off swordsman looking down at him.

"Let go of me, you shitty swordsman." Sanji tried to push the bigger boy off of him but nothing worked. Zoro has successfully prevented any ways of escaping by the way he had trapped Sanji beneath him and the wall.

"Will you listen for a damn second Cook?" For several seconds Sanji didn't say anything in response. Zoro may have been the one pinning the blonde against the wall but he could help but feel like he was the one who was trapped. Sanji turned his head to the side preventing Zoro from being in his line of sight. Was he really that repulsive to the blonde? And the words left his lips before he even registered what he had said."Please, Sanji stay."

For the second time that day Zoro had said his name and in that instant, a blue eye met his black pleading eyes. Sanji couldn't remember the last time he had seen Zoro look at anything with that much vulnerability in his eyes.

"Get off me first." Zoro held Sanji's gaze but did not move an inch. With a sigh, Sanji added. "Yes, I'll stay."

Satisfied with the answer, Zoro released this hold on Sanji. Zoro had never felt so weak before, but then again he was never good with communication. And yet here he was about to explain to a still very pissed off Sanji, that he wanted him to stay.

His Jacket {Zoro x Sanji}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ