Chapter 8: Away

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2 days went by and I still haven't talked to my best friend, I decided to text her. I was not sure what I should say but I tried my best.

Ava is dumb :P
Hey Lily, I know things happened and I'm sorry if I did something wrong or if I hurt you. I don't really know how to react to this whole situation but I would love to talk about it. I want to see your side too. You are my best friend and I don't want to lose you.

While I waited for her reply I started to pack my things for the big new york trip. I couldn't believe it, I always wanted to go there and now it's happening. So suddenly. It's only going to be two weeks but its still long if you miss your family, friends, or anyone. I turn on some music and start to cry when one of Dominic's songs came on. I wiped off my tears and calmed myself down. I packed away my favorite clothes, memories from lily and dave came to my mind, how we hang out in a carnival once in this shirt and then the yungblud concert in this shirt. I tried to concentrate to the music and moved on.

Lily is dumb too :)
Hi Ava, I was acting foolish and please excuse me for it. It was hard to see my best friend in the hospital and I've been wanting to tell you that I'm in love with you. I know you are not gay and that I shouldn't have blamed you for not liking me back. I hope you don't hate me either. I don't want to talk about it anymore, want to meet up somewhere?

I read and felt relieved.

Ava is dumb:p
Let's go to the coffee and then the vinyl shop, I have to get something done there. See you at 4.


"How are you feeling?" Lily asked
"I'm fine I guess, I'm trying to recover now. That hospital thing scared me a little." I swirled my straw in my strawberry lemonade with extra syrup.
"I'm very proud of you. I know how hard it is. Anyways, to make you happier I brought you this." She gave me a picture "look at this when you feel lost or alone in new york"
"Thank you" I smiled and tried not to be sad
"Are you okay?" She said
"Yes... it's hard to leave everyone behind even for only two weeks"
"We will facetime every day and text any time you fancy"
"Okay" I smiled

"I want to make a personalized vinyl" I said to the cashier at the music store
"Fill this out and draw the print on this" he gave me too papers, one that has a record drawing on it and one where you can write the playlist.
"Whos this for?" Lily asked
"Its a secret" I replied
I filled them out and handed it to the lady. Lily wanted to look around so we stayed there for a while.

At night I called Dom.
"Hey singer boy" I said
"Hello darling, since when do you call anyone?"
"I wanted to talk and hear your voice. I feel homesick already"
"Oh love. Don't worry, I know how it feels I went through it too. But see now I'm doing tours and that's one of the best things that are happening to me."
"You are right" I realized how true that is. I'm going to be a singer too, going to do tours, leave for meetings, interviews. I need to get used to it.
"Call me anytime and ill be there. I would fly around the whole world to make you or anyone feel safe."
"Or anyone" I said quietly, he probably didn't hear it "You are really sweet"
"I want the best for you"

We chatted nearly all night. I couldn't sleep anyway, I was too excited.
I got up at 8, the flight is at 12 so I had time to say goodbye to the others in the mall. I went home said goodbye to it too and my parents took me to the airport.

 I went home said goodbye to it too and my parents took me to the airport

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Here we are" I said staring at the people there. So many people going somewhere for different things.
"I'm going to miss you, call me every day!" My mum said
"I'm going to miss you too, i'll be there too when you call" dad said
"Okay" I nodded "I have to go" I checked my watch
"Bye dear" they hugged me
"Bye" and with that, I left to America.

There I was. In New York. In America. For real.  My first stop was the hotel then the times square. I was in awe of the terrifying views from the skyscrapers but I've never felt anything like that before. I spent the rest of the time relaxing and exploring the stores, spas, etc. I completely fell in love with the place. The colors, the lifestyle, the business, a real happy place. The whole experience felt like this was my chance to do something else I've always wanted to do, be alone in a city I have never been to and to help others through my music.

Three days already flew by and half the album was pretty much finished. Dominics birthday is on the same day I get home but he doesn't know it. Yesterday Adam called and we planned a surprise for him. Lily and dave got closer since I was not at home they tried to hang out just the two of them which is sad because I'm scared that will leave me out when I get home but understandable because I leave them a lot of times for Dom and the boys. Speaking of the boys, they told Dom that they are together, funny how I knew it before their best mate. I mean I could see it and he couldn't. My parents are fine too, living their childless calm life.

*in the studio ten days later*

"Okay Ava, last day of recording" my producer said
"Ugh it went by so fast" I talked into my microphone
"I'm sure your family is happy about it"
"They are in fact" I thought about everyone's happy face
"Come on let's finish this album" He smiled "Last songs second half, as you know"

He turned music on and I started to sing.

You know the best things in life are free
You can give it to the bears and bees
I want some money
Yeah yeah
I want some money
Yeah yeah

You all give me such a thrill
But your loving can't pay no bill's
I want some money
I want some money
Yeah yeah
One time

The song is a "joke" and was inspired by this materialist world we live in.

Angelic / Yungblud/Dominic Harrison \Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora