Blood and Lust

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      Piper walked into his dimly lit home, feeling an unusual trepidation. It's not like today had been any different from his normal routine- school, then work and finally back home- but for some odd reason it felt 100% different. The silence filled Piper with dread. He set his bag down, walking into the living room and switching the lamp on. The room flared to life immediately. The kitchen was still enshrouded in darkness however, and if Piper had bothered to look into the still pitch black room, he would have noticed a pair of brown eyes watching him with unparalelled intensity.


         Just as he was about to sit down, a loud bang echoed from the kitchen. "Hello? Is someone there?" he called out as he started to get nervous. When no answer came, he got up, taking slow and cautious steps towards the kitchen. With a shaking hand, Piper reached out to flip the light switch. The lights illuminated the kitchen which of course, was empty. "What the fuck?" he muttered to himself. He'd been sure he had heard a noise. With a shrug Piper turned around, only to be face with an handsome, unfamiliar young man. He had thick, curly dark brown (it looked black) hair and a scruffy beard to match. When Piper's bright green eyes met brown, his heart thudded painfully. He knew what would happen before the knife pierced his skin.

       The young man smiled as the knife slid through Piper's body like butter, tearing through muscles and sinew easily. He looked up into the man's eyes and watched as they dilated until only a sliver of brown remained. The man groaned pleasurably as Piper's body fell to the floor. His eyes fluttered shut as he took a deep breath. Piper cried out as agony caused all the muscles in his body to spasm. He looked up at the dark haired man pleadingly. He could taste the blood and bile rising up from his throat and pressed down desperately on the bleeding wound that was only an inch or two from his heart.


        Piper took as deep a breath as he could, speaking in a low and fearful tone. "Please....I can give you my wallet, you can take whatever you want from the housee but please, please don't kill me" he begged and the man's lips twisted into a dark, amused smile. He let out a bark of wheezing laughter. Piper's vision swam for a moment, and he felt more than saw the man straddle him. "I don't want your shit! No....what I want is your life, and that lovely red stuff pouring from your body." He grinned wider and Piper would have considered him handsome if not for the fact that said man was the one that had stabbed him. He knew he was in trouble now, as he searched the man's eyes for even a shred of remorse- finding none.


       Piper knew he had to try one more time, maybe the sadistic young man would take mercy on him. "P-Please?!" he pleaded once more as the tears fell freely and blood seeped from his wound. "I don't want to die" he cried. The man hummed, cocking his head thoughtfully, as if evaluating Piper. After a few minutes that seemed to stretch on forever, he sighed. "What's your name?" he asked casually, as if they hadn't met under such gruesome circumstances. Piper held back the scoff that was fighting to break out. No need to make things worse. "Piper" he answered warily. The young man nodded, a smile on his face yet again. "Well, it's wonderful to meet you, Piper, I'm James. I bet your blood tastes delicious!" he giggled and Piper let out a whimper as his eyes widened. "B-but you-" he began, and James cut him off with a 'shhh' and a sunny smile. "No! I never said I'd spare you. Do you think I'm a fucking idiot? Pshhh no I need your blood, Piper. You see, I really like it..." he murmured and the loving tone he used made Piper shudder.

        James stroked his beard thoughtfully before pulling out a wicked sharp looking pocket knife. He reached for Piper's arm but as he did so, Piper lunged at James in a last ditch effort to bite him- to possibly escape. James pulled back with a dark smile. It was eerie how his whole demeanor seemed to change with just the grin. He pressed Piper back against the kitchen floor. "I wouldn't do that again, if I were you. I only let one fucking person bite me and as pretty as you are sweetheart, you aren't him. Now hold still please, and don't make me ask twice" James growled. Tears of defeat and hoplessness carved their way down Piper's cheeks. He'd used the last of his energy in the futile bid for freedom. No, he wouldn't be going anywhere- at least not alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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