Bonding Over Blobs

Start from the beginning

 "Savage!?" screeched Hermione.  

 Harry's head began to throb again. If Ron and Hermione kept going at each other's throats like this all day he wouldn't be able to think during class. Which was the preferred option when he wasn't in the mood to discuss the angry tension between Crookshanks and Scabbers.  


 Later in Divination Harry was sitting at a table with Ron and Hermione who were currently bickering about Hermione's attitude towards Divination. Being the person that had to be in the middle of their arguments he found his patience levels dropping. Even when class started they carried on muttering things to each other under their breaths.  

 He clutched his teacup that Trelawney had distributed. Harry found both of them to be increasingly annoying and his head ache seemed to be growing.  

 "Can either of you please stop." he begged through clenched teeth.  

 "I'll stop when he stops." Hermione sassed.  

 "I'll stop when she admits that she isn't the best at everything." Ron countered and the noise got louder.    

 "I sensed a disturbance on this side of the room." breathed Professor Trelawney. "Must I split this group?" she asked.  

 "No!" Ron and Hermione both chorused, not finished going at each other.  

 "Yes." said Harry grumpily.  

 "The stars are telling me that it is necessary." she sighed. "Ms. Garner, please move over to Lavender's table."  

 "It's Granger." she snapped before giving one last death look at Ron.  

 "Thank the stars she's gone." Ron rolled his eyes.  

 "The stars are also telling me that you must be moved as well, Mr. Weasley."  

 "I hate the stars." grumbled Ron. He was moved to sit with Michael Corner  on the other side of the classroom.  

 "Ms. Green, would you be so glad as to move beside Mr. Potter here?" everyone turned to Leah who had risen from her vacant table and down to Harry's table. Everyone looked at her as if she had just appeared out of thin air. Chatter erupted as the students started conversing with their neighbouring tables.  

 "Back to business!" Professor Trelawney sang and the noise died down.  

 The rickety old chair beside Harry creaked as Leah sat down awkwardly. There was an unsettling silence between the two. After what had happened this morning he knew that she wouldn't want to talk much outside of the classwork.  

 Their professor past their table keeping one magnified eye on Harry as if he were a ticking time bomb prepared to blow up at any minute. Leah bit her lip and was the first to speak after a long pause.    "What do you see?" she asked quiet and tentatively.  

 Harry a little bit startled at the sudden outburst that wasn't so much of an outburst. He looked down into his cup and saw a lump of tea leaves. How do you make out shapes from tea leaves anyways?  

 "A blob. But judging by the look Trelawney was giving me earlier it's probably the Grim or some other symbol that means I'm going to die in the next month." said Harry sarcastically.  

 For a moment he thought he heard a small laugh escape her, paired with an upwards twitch of the corners of her mouth. He took this as an act of forgiveness from whatever he had said this morning and let a small laugh leak from his lips as he smiled.  

 "What about you?" he asked. Leah looked into her cup and turned it in all directions before coming to a conclusion.  

 "A blob as well." she laughed. It wasn't a light laugh however. He was guessing she wanted to see something more exciting than just a blob.  

 When they both got out of the Divination Tower Harry decided to stay with Leah for a while since Ron or Hermione would approach him if he stayed stagnant.   

 Knowing Ron and Hermione, they didn't like when Harry was with either of them. They felt like he was picking sides leading to another argument, which would lead to him actually having to pick a side. He wouldn't be able to handle that kind of stress with everything that was going on. Plus, Harry liked talking with Leah. Now that she was finally open with him he thought that they would be getting along nicely.  

Hi guys!!!

So the reason why this is out so late is because I got a 60% on my Physics quiz and they took away my computer. I'm sorry I didn't study that much causing me to delay my updates. (Please don't hurt me! I promise I'll do better next time!)

Biscuits! :)

- random_nerd34

PS - Sorry this chapter is kind of sucky. :P

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