Before him was a large house with many roofs and windows. Just looking at it made him feel like he was no longer in Japan anymore. The architecture was very European, as expected. 

The three men circled him and pushed him towards the entrance of the house where the door was wide open, meaning that Nick had been waiting. Leo swallowed as the pit of anxiety in his stomach grew tens times bigger. He could feel his overwhelming presence near by, which radiated a mix of anger, frustration and concern. It grew stronger once they entered the house. One of the men closed the door with a quiet thud and pushed Leo forward toward the grand staircase. The interior of the house was intimidating and looked way too expensive for Leo to breathe in without feeling bad. Soon, the men left him alone at the bottom of the stairs. 

"Come up here," a booming voice commanded from above him. 

Leo looked up without missing a beat and locked eyes with his waiting alpha. Nick was dressed in nothing but a red silk robe, which cascaded over his fit and toned figure. Leo shivered as his eyes went down to the rest of his body. 

"Look at me when I speak to you." 

Leo was speechless. Not only because Nick looked irresistibly attractive, but because the power he was radiating was too much for him to handle. It made him want to get on his knees and crawl up the stairs into his embrace, but he had too much pride to do that. 

"Get up here. Now," Nick nearly shouted.  

Leo moved on his own as if he were possessed by the demon himself. He couldn't resist that demanding tone of his and had the urge to calm him down. In order to do so, he would have to obey. He ascended up the stairs slowly without ever breaking eye contact for it was impossible. He was in a trance, just like when they met for the first time. 

When Leo reached the top of the stairs and was close enough, Nick grabbed his arm harshly and dragged him down an alarmingly lengthy corridor. 

"Where are you taking me?" Leo asked in a panic. The amount of doors they were passing by was making him nervous. He felt like an inmate being led away from his freedom. 

"My office," Nick answered simply when they finally stopped at a door. Nick fished for something in his robe's pockets with his free hand and unlocked the door. He pushed Leo in and quickly locked it before Leo could even think of doing something again. 

The room seemed normal and basic; a large wooden desk with a wide window behind it to allow natural light to pour in and an arm chair facing the desk. The walls were covered in bookshelves with novels and textbooks in many different languages, topics, and genres. Nick gestured to the armchair. 


Leo did as he was told without an argument. He could feel Nick's anger and didn't want to displease him any further. 

"I feel so betrayed, mon beau," Nick told him as he made his way to his seat in front of the desk. He propped his chin in his hands as he stared straight into Leo's soul. "I was being very kind, you know? I saved you from that potential rapist, fed you, gave you a place to sleep for the night, and you pay me back like this?" 

"I didn't ask for any of this," Leo snapped as he sunk into his chair. "You didn't save me from that pervert, I defended myself. I don't need you to protect me." 

"He ran off so easily because he sensed my presence near by, it's common knowledge that we can sense other alphas, especially those of greater strength. But that's not the point. You took advantage of my trust in you. I could've had you locked up in a classy metal-bar cell if I really wanted to. I knew the window would be an escape option but I trusted you." 

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