Late In The Night, Early In The Morning

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"So when will you come back over to my house?" Jayson asked as he was walking me to the front door of my house. "Hopefully soon!" I proclaimed. "Yeah, hopefully soon." He pushed my hair behind my ear and kissed my cheek - softly and sweetly. He then started to head back to his home but before he got out of sight, turned around and winked.  


I stepped out of the shower, the cold air making me have goosebumps. I grabbed a towel, dried my self off and got dressed in my pajamas. I got the little make-up I had on off and put witchhezal on. I walked out of the bathroom into my room, I jumped on my bed and placed my laptop near me. I turned it on and went to my story, New Hope In A Lost World, and started to write.

I stared at the necklace, it was like no other I have ever seen. It had a purple ruby within a golden outline. It was gorgeous, but I couldn't keep it any longer. It had brought me pain and challenges that has become to much for me. I placed it down and as I was about to crush it the weirdest thing happened. Strong winds arose and dark shadows surrounded me. My strength became weaker and then I finally blacked out...

I was so into the story that I jumped at a noise outside. I looked towards my window but only saw the branches of a tree beside it moved. So I decided to go back to my writing. 

...I woke up laying on a bed. The necklace was on me and a gentleman sitting near me. I asked him, "What is going on?" As I looked down at my gown. "Ah, you have awoken. Please, have some water." He handed me a cup with a smile. I looked in it and something didn't seem right. As I continued to look I could see blackness araising from it. I quickly placed it down and glanced at the man, "You tired to drunk me!" His sweet smile became a deadly one. He stood up, and sat down on the bed, "No, darling. I tired to poison you."  He rubbed my leg, moving up to my stomach. I couldn't move! His power was forcing me down! I tired to escape but it didn't work. His lips kissed my cheek, going to my mouth. I didn't want this, and I didn't deserve it! I grabbed on to the necklace and something happened. Something that never happened before. Purple rays  shined through my fingers. He pushed off of me, "What is that?" "My gateway to freedom." I jumped off the bed and fled to the door. Locked. I ran to the side window and pulled it open...

I heard a knocking on my window that pulled me back to reality. I walked over to it and realized it was Jayson. I opened the window for him and helped him inside, "What are you doing here?!" I  questioned. "I'm here to see you!" He hugged me tight and whispered, "I couldn't stay away any longer! I had to see you." "But someone might come in any minute!" "I know, I'll be careful." He pulled me to the bed and caught a glance of what I had on my laptop, "What's this?" "Oh, just a story I'm writing." We layed down and he held me as he begin to read. His soft breath on my skin made me tired and I soon fell to sleep.


I was awoken by footsteps running towards my door, I quickly unwrapped myself from Jayson and pushed him off the bed. "Ow!"  I layed my head back down and pretended like nothing happened. My little sister, Brianna, barged in, "Dude, it's 11am. Almost lunch time. Mom wants you to get up." "I opened my eyes and answered, "Okay, I'll be down soon. Now get out!" "Pushy Pushy." Brianna rolled her eyes and slammed the door after her. I rolled over to the side of my bed, "You okay?" "Haha, yeah. Next time give me a heads up though." "Sorry." I blushed. He sat up and gave me a small kiss on the lips. "Good morning by the way." We smiled and both got up. "So how are you gonna make it back home without being seen?" "Um, I'll find a way." Pulling me closer he squeezed me tightly and gave me a kiss, leading to a few more as he moved me to the bed. We fell on it and the love continued, getting more intense as it went on. His hand moved up my sides as his lips moved down towards my chest. I wasn't expecting this to happen, but it did. He pulled up my shirt, revealing my bra. I liked what was happening but it was going too far...for now. I quickly stopped him by bringing my shirt down, and pushing him away. "Um...yeah. Not the right timing." He got up, while biting his lip as he looked over my whole body, "Maybe later." My eyes were focused on him as he headed out the window and climbed down the tree.  

My heart was racing. I was desiring more of it, more of him! But I knew we had to slow it a bit. I stood up and went to my closet, I picked out a outfit - put it on - and went to the kitchen. "Good morning." Marsha, my mom, said. "Hey." I got a Cookie Dough flavored poptart and asked her, "So...could I go to a friends today?" "Not today. Max is going to the skating park and you have to go with him, I'm going to be too busy." "Well, could I at least bring a friend?" "I guess. But you better keep a eye on your brother!" "Okay!" I grabbed some milk and headed back to my room to get my phone and send a text.

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