While he was Praying, he heard the sound of a door open and he paid it no mind but when he saw someone in the Corner of his eye, he looked to see that it was one of the girls from Rias's peerage, she was wearing a Nun's outfit and had long blonde hair 

While he was Praying, he heard the sound of a door open and he paid it no mind but when he saw someone in the Corner of his eye, he looked to see that it was one of the girls from Rias's peerage, she was wearing a Nun's outfit and had long blonde ...

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When Y/n saw her, she Looked at him with surprise and then she saw His eyes glowing red, she backed up a little in fear 

Y/n: "Why are you here?"

Asia: "I...I'm sorry, I saw this church and I came here to See what it looked like. A-And maybe pray to god while i'm here...if that's ok with you?" 

Y/n: "This isn't one of god's Churches" 

Asia: "Then Who do you worship?" 

Y/n: "we worship the Trinity" 

Y/n then gestured to the giant statue at the altar that Depicted three Woman 

Y/n then gestured to the giant statue at the altar that Depicted three Woman 

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Asia: "The Trinity? Who are they?"

Y/n: "They are a trio of Goddesses and this is their church that is all I remember of them, maybe Double Could tell you more of them, she is the only Nun here after all" 

Asia: "is she here at the moment?" 

Y/n: "yes but unfortunately, she is rather busy at the moment so she cannot be of assistance. Now please leave, Devil of Gremory" 

Asia: "A-alright, I'm sorry for what you went through" 

Asia then walked over to Y/n who was now looking back at the altar and She gave him a hug and then left in a Hurry leaving a confused Y/n but he then Smiled and Continued Praying for ten more minutes before the Doors opened again and In walked some random civilians and then Y/n decided to head home but when He got outside, He then heard the sound of thunder and then it started to Rain heavily and Y/n sighed as he started to walk home Until...

???: "Y/n!" 

Y/n then looked up for the source of the voice and he then noticed a girl Running across the street towards him with a smile on her face. this Girl was Umbrella, Parasoul's Younger sister 

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