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          You hear a knock at the door and immediately knew it was Seokmin. You open the door to see your best friend standing there. Once inside and the door was closed behind him, you throw your arms around his neck and hug him tightly, not wanting to let go. You missed him so much!

          You try to pull away from him, but he had a hold of your waist and pulled you back into him. "I've missed you." He says planting a kiss on your forehead and holding you a little tighter. He then pulls you away to look at him, as he sits you on the bed. 

 "I know this isn't about you missing me, although I know you have missed me dearly." He is now staring into your blue/gray eyes with concern. "What happened between you and Jisoo?"  You were now looking down into your lap. How did he even know anything was wrong between Jisoo and me?  You thought. "Y/N," He says as he lifts your chin to look at him.  You couldn't help but want to look away. He places his hand on your cheek, "Look at me, please." and of course you do, as tears began threatening to fall. 

           You didn't want to cry about Joshua, but there you were, doing just that. You shake your head as to forget what was going on inside your head. But before you could snap back to reality, Seokmin was holding you close to him. You've missed him holding you in these embraces. The tighter he held you, the more tears just fell. 

           After a few minutes, you start to calm down. He has always had that effect on you. Seokmin wipes the tears from your cheek, then lightly kisses both of your cheeks as if to kiss away the tears. You look up at him and say. "H-how'd you know." As you sniffle and wipe the now cold tears from under your chin.

"Because Jisoo hasn't been acting himself. Please tell me what happened. And I've got this funny feeling you think Jisoo hates you, but he doesn't! That's far from the way he feels for you." He is now using his thumbs to wipe the remaining tears from your face.

"I find that a little hard to believe!" You finally say with sarcasm. You were a little hurt, okay, maybe more than just a little. How could you not be? Joshua just ended your relationship, then didn't say anything and just walked away from you. What were you supposed to think?

"Now I know something is up, you have never doubted Jisoo's feelings for you. What's changed Y/N?" You hear the concern in his voice.  

          Joshua and you have been super close and everyone knew it. So, if Seokmin is correct about Joshua, and he usually is, then why did Joshua say that to me?  You think. Does he love me and doesn't want to? Does he think I don't have the same feelings for him?  A million and one questions fill your mind, as you start staring off into space, Seokmin's soft lips were now brushing against yours at this point. You giggle and shy away from him. With that, you face him again.

          For some reason, you become aggravated again, "I am going to make this short and sweet since I am keeping you away from the guys." You say getting up from the bed.   

"No! Stop! Y/N!" He says as he grabs your wrist and pulls you close to him again.  He's staring into your eyes intensely. "You act like your mad at me." You can hear the trembling in his voice. Oh, No! Please, I don't want him to find out like this, you think to yourself.  His arms are now completely wrapped around your waist, holding you close. Seokmin touches your forehead with his lips and whispers, "We still need to talk about why you weren't talking to me." You almost start to panic, but your phone starts playing Twenty; your ringtone for Jisoo. "Please, read what Jisoo sent you." He hands you your phone. Once in your hand, you place your index finger on the finger lock and open your phone. (Joshua and Seokmin had already planned this out, so that is why he knew it was Joshua.)

"Y/N, I hope you come back with DK tonight. I apologize for what I said a few days ago. I never meant what I said, I was so confused for a minute. I didn't think about the consequences of what I had said to you until I noticed you were avoiding me. I never wanted to hurt you. . ." you stare at the text from Joshua, and stare back at Seokmin. Joshua is typing. . . "I want you alone tonight, but I also know the reality of that happening tonight since you and Dk haven't had any time since he's been home. Maybe then a few hours. I want to put this behind us and go back to the way we were. I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Joshua." you send the text and continue, "I'm at a loss for words right now, but I will say this. I want to spend time with you also." You hand your phone to Seokmin, so he can read your conversation. Seokmin closes out whatever he was doing on his phone and puts it in his back pocket, before taking your phone from you. As he is reading it, a huge smile comes over his face.

"I like this. So shall we leave and go home?" He asks as he makes his way over to your bag and starts putting your belongings into it. You giggle and put your arms around his waist, making him fall over onto the bed. You're now laying on his chest, you kiss him on the cheek and say, "I love you, my sweet friend."

          He rolls you over onto the bed and gets up. You sigh and get up yourself and finish putting the rest of your clothes into your bag. You were a little upset that he rolled you off of him; I wasn't even on him, you think. Your racing thoughts kept you from realizing that he was staring at you until he starts clearing his throat. Oops, you think, as you zip up your bag and turn yourself towards him.

"Shall we go?" He asks you.

"Yup."  You say as you are throwing your bag over your shoulder. You then walk over to the nightstand and grab your keys and the room key, and walk toward the door. You leave the room together and walk down to the front desk. You hand the lady the room key.

"Everything ok now, I assume." She says making a gesture toward Seokmin.

"Yes, thank you." You say as you turn to walk out the door.

          You were unlocking the passenger door on the driver's side to throw your bag on the seat when Seokmin puts his arms around your waist and spins you around to face him. You couldn't help, but cheese at him. He smiles back and says, "I love you too Y/N." He places a warm kiss on your cheek. He then starts tickling you. Ok, he is distracting me for some reason, you think. Just as you break free from his tickling torture, you see Joshua's car pulling into the parking lot. Your eyes light up and your schoolgirl squeal comes out. Seokmin shakes his head as he places an arm around your waist. "I am driving your car back, and Boo is driving my car, so you can go spend time with Jisoo."

          You're almost in tears at this point. You're blinking constantly to keep the tears at bay, not seeing that Joshua was now standing in front of you. You smile at him as a tear slides down your cheek. He leans in to kiss you, as he wipes away the tear. Joshua backs away so Boo can hug you. He hugs you tightly before he pulls you away from him a little, "Talk to me later, okay?" 

"Okay, Boo." You say as you kissed his cheek. Seokmin steps in wrapping his long arms around your waist. You are both quiet for a few moments, which seemed like forever. He finally breaks the silence between the two of you by telling you, "We will continue our conversation when you return to the dorm." He hugs you tightly before he lets you go and walks to your car.  

Many thanks to those who are reading this.  Chapter 3 is about to get steamy.....

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