I...I mean I am yet to be 'asked for'.....Mr Wallace has not proposed me yet...

Ohh he will, my John was telling me that he will, as My Lady has served an ultimatum to him...

Has she now?

Well before leaving for Lucknow, John had asked Jacques about his marriage, he did say the old lady has served him an ultimatum and he has to do something about it fast....

Sarah sat up, he did say this?

Yes he did, why do you look so surprised...

Well I mean, well we have not spoken about marriage, I mean...Sarah stopped, it was over a month she has been staying here, Christmas is approaching, she was expecting her father for the same but then Jacques is yet to propose, her father was expecting the announcement during the Christmas lunch or New Year morning, so that they can get married within March and her father leaves for home late April or early May...

See Sarah, tell me something have you ever seen Bani's husband.....

Sarah nodded her head in negation....

Strange, that means Bani is not married to anybody, infact little I have seen of Bani I am yet to see any signs of marriage on her body ....

Sarah knew about the signs of the marriage the Indian women usually had but she did not know exactly what they were...

Sarah became more confused.....she was failing to read Ann, she hardly knew her and what was her motive exactly she was not sure...

I don't think Jacques has any legal relation with Bani, but listen to me Sarah, Jacques is a good husband.....I mean a good catch to be precise and one of the most eligible bachelors in this part of the world, now listen carefully, Ann lowered her voice, you have the support of My Lady I think without doubt now all you have to do is catch them red handed, no no do not ask My Lady, she may want you but will not speak against her grandson, Ann's voice shook with excitement so that is why you have to catch them red-handed, then threaten the lady that if Jacques does not severe all relations with Bani you are not interested in any kind of relationship with him and leave Dariyaganj immediately....

But he is yet to propose me....Sarah exclaimed....

Yes, that is why you threaten to leave Dariyaganj, say that you came here with an understanding, a single maiden coming in such a remote area obviously for some reason, you tell the lady you feel betrayed...you must be knowing by now, Danielle is a very proud woman, she does not like to be accused and definitely very very conscious of her and her family honour....

Sarah's hand shook....

Anne caught them, see Sarah let us be practical, you want Jacques without any baggage, My Lady was never so desperate as she is now and to say no to her is something very difficult for Jacques to do...

I will think about it...

Definitely, you should, but Sarah remember you are a gentleman's daughter, once you agree to marry Jacques you cannot say no or turn back and staying here you cannot say you did not know, specially when Bani has been deployed for teaching you Hindustani, what a master stroke by My Lady, I must compliment the old hag, she let you know about Bani without opening her mouth, if you say later, you do not know about her, My Lady will be very very upset with you and your family, and once she is upset, the elite white race in India will join her, it is a common practice and how can you be so dumb....

Even though Sarah finding Ann's assumption a bit too hasty , she agreed nevertheless that Ann did have a point....

As Ann left the room, she turned once again to ask Sarah to keep her cool and Sarah remember me your friend, once you are the Lady of Dariyaganj I hope you will invite me to stay for longer periods, after all I am your true well wisher....

Sarah gave a hesitant smile, Ann pulled the door shut behind her, she had a smirk on her lips, well it is well known that Jacques did have a native mistress though they did not know the name or details, not that Ann care about it, her younger sister was visiting her, quite a pretty little thing, Ann was hoping My Lady would choose her for Jacques, she went out of the way to invite My Lady, giving a ball, presenting her sister properly but My lady had shown no interest, ultimately unable to contain her curiosity she asked My lady about the same, who replied the girl was too young for her Jacques, though later on she learnt from reliable source that My Lady found her family too ordinary for her grandson.....Humming Ann went towards her room, a good siesta is all she wants, if Sarah refuses to marry Jacques, well it will be a small revenge over My Lady for rejecting her sister and if Sarah goes ahead and marries Jacques, she will hopefully remember her as a good friend and they will be often invited to Dariyaganj, the comforts of which are just out of the world, either way she will be a winner....


Ann did have a point Sarah realized but the whole thing was so very intimidating, she could not imagine herself accusing My Lady or questioning her and Jacques relationship with Bani was of course not acceptable to her after her marriage, though her mother always said, men who roamed often sowed their seed in various ports but then once they get a wife, it is the duty of the wife to see things change...Sarah could not sit anymore, the walls of her room made her feel too claustrophobic, she stepped out of the room to go down to the library, a book will prevent her from these confusing thoughts, as she passed Jacques' room, she stopped, she knew he slept here, but did not enter it before, the door was open, it seems the servants were giving it a thorough cleaning, polishing floors etc., Sarah peeped in, the servants were not there, most probably having their siesta too, she entered, it was a big room, much bigger compared hers, the décor very manly and less fussy, with attached dressing room and washing area....there was a painting of My Lady, her husband and Jacques as a child over the chest of drawers, Sarah peered closely, My lady ever so beautiful in her armed chair, Adam standing proudly behind her and Jacques at her side....both grandson and grandmother had same eye colouring, exactly matching with Bani's daughter, Sarah shivered, she turned to leave the room when her eyes fell on the window, it was open giving clear view of the tower, Bani's window, very much visible....Sarah ran down, entering the library, she threw herself on the sofa as tears rolled down....


Sarah was the prettiest of the three daughters and the favourite, her father wanted the best marriage for her and when she sailed for India, she had heard many things and she was excited, it was one of star colonies of the Empire and if you marry right, you will have a wonderful life, her father was equally excited, things were going according to their plan but Bani? Her child? Will she be able to accept the child growing in front of her eyes, will Jacques let Bani go.....no no I will not accept him otherwise, I will indirectly make things clear to My Lady, well I have no problem with his past, but they should not live before my eyes and there will be no marriage unless it is taken care....Sarah stopped, Ann's words came to her mind, yes she is right, I have to catch them first and then drive my point, after all I will be the Lady of the House, how come My Lady has borne Bani so long? Obviously to keep Jacques happy...and now she has to make My Lady work towards her happiness, Sarah had liked Bani all this while but suddenly she felt betrayed by her and extremely jealous....

She walked round and round in the library trying to decide how she will solve the problem, nobody should label her for being unreasonable, she has to be very tactful, solve it like a lady not as an ordinary peasant woman....

Sarah inhaled deeply, obviously Bani will fight, she did not look like a woman to give up easily and Sarah will show the class and the class difference, there cannot be any other way....if it does not work out, she will leave like a Lady, with grace and dignity, making sure the Wallace's are not in a position to blame her...yes she will accept no less....

Jut then there was a soft knock on the door, Sarah collected herself, corrected her posture and called, come in....

Tony entered, I am sorry to disturb you but your maid said I will find you here, Miss, this letter has just come in your name from Calcutta by Express Mail, must be something important so I thought to have it delivered at the earliest...Tony extended the silver platter....Sarah picked up the letter, it was from her father....


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