Sylvia: Now this is just crazy...

Mikoto: Welp. We didn't come all this way to watch. Let's give it all we got....

-Plus Ultra-

Like I said before, Class 1-A is strong but Class 1-C was relentless.

Sylvia: HELL YEAH!!!

Sylvia was sending fireballs at multiple dumies that was made around the training grounds.

Hein and Destiny was the exact same thing. Hein with her own gun. Destiny was sending black flames to burn the targets.

They were told to improve in their shooting skills at the shooting range in order for Hein to work harder on her aim and for Sylvia and Destiny to control their flames more at will.

Some mistakes were made.

At first you don't succeed, try try again!

Sylvia: Not good enough! I need to aim for the target!

Hein: Target spotted! Tracking initiated...and...FIRE!


The shooting from bullets and flames continued.


Jack was playing a guitar while screaming into mircophone to send lot of music waves all over the place to practice his vocal exercise.

Oka and Kelly were controlling intimate objects around the area to determine how many things they can be able to use from their puppet control.

Samuel: Gck...Agh...Come on...You can do this.

Samuel was trying to control his subspace portal quirk as it mercilessly sucks everything inside within it's radiance.


Eito was using his love manipulation to power up a target by confessing their feelings for him.

So far the only thing he's using it on are the robots that the Wild Wild Pussycats left!

The more intense Eito's love is, the stronger the power is transmitted to the target. This empowering makes the target physically stronger and faster than usual. As long as their under Eito's control that is.


Luna Rose was sending waves after waves of water around the area. Despite feeling exhausted, she continues to try her hardest and not to give up.

Haru was copying quirks and transforming. Copying multiple Quirks at once is possible for Haru as well. Like Neito Monoma can hold up to a certain amount of copied Quirks within his body depending on how much he trains his Quirk. The effects of the copied Quirks, Haru can save for those that physically change the structure of his body, will continue to remain active even if Haru switches out the associated Quirk. 

Though Transformation still needed a little work due to his lack of motivation to use this quirk on another.


Mio kept screaming all of the colors she knew and send them all over the trees and bushes painting them in different colors.

Akira was powering up his shields to make them a little bigger.

Maria transformed into a cheetah and decided to run around the training ground.

Kenji was trying to control his blood habit...and virtuously failed... luckily, his blood bags kept him subdued from attacking anyone.

Riku was analysing everyone's quirks. From charts and graphs to pros and cons. He gave them commands on what they're lacking on and tells them on how to help them improve.

Lilac was healing anyone that became injured during their training.

So far...Everyone was giving it their all....

Except for Souta...

Mikoto had stopped his own training to see Souta not doing anything but watching.

Mikoto: Hey Souta-kun...How come your not training?

Souta: Tch. What is there to train for. Despite doing self-defense. My quirk is really that helpful.

Mikoto: Eh?

Souta: Think about quirk only puts people in nightmares. There's not really anything to train for it.

Mikoto: Well...You could work on it somehow.

Souta: How?

Mikoto: Well...since your quirk works if you glance at someone during activation. You put them into illusions of their darkest fears. Maybe you could find a way to make more into it to give it more hype.

Souta:...Go on...

Mikoto:....Ever try controlling the monsters inside visions of people's fears?


Mikoto: Well give it some could try and transform the monster inside of people's head from their fears. Like shapeshifting from Maria or transformation like Haru from base to human to object.

Souta: I see...

Mikoto: Think of it like this...Your quirk is sort if a hypnosis quirk, it can make people daydream and feel like they exit their own body for a moment in time. It can cause nightmares in a blink of an eye and confuse and make the person its put on forget.

Souta: True...

Mikoto: So you need a quirk drawbacks.

Souta:...What's that?

Mikoto: I heard my mom once said a quirk drawbacks is something that needs immense concentration and they need to be skilled at dodging because this isn't really a fighting quirk. Simulation quirks like that can be pretty useful while facing a villian they could stun or confuse them with the memory loss of it. So...maybe that could help you...

Souta:....Yeah. I think I understand now. Thanks Mikoto.

Mikoto smiled.

Mikoto: Anytime.


Meanwhile, a few kilometers away from the training camp, Niko, Dabi and Himiko along with two masked villains had appear.

Villain #1: So when are we going to attack! We should do it immediately!

However, the other masked villain calms his compatriot.

Villain #2: Calm down. It is not time yet.

Niko: Yeah...sheesh. Impatient as always. You'll get your cut.

The villain grumbles impatiently as Toga laughs at him.

Dabi: Right now...We're are just sending a warning signal.

Niko: Yep~!

He then smirked with the same shark tooth grin.

Niko: Because you know what that mean right?

Toga: Hehehe~!

Dabi gave his own grin before noting:

"We'll fill those heroes full of holes...and put them in their place. All for a brighter future."

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