11. opening up?

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We were sitting out watching the sun as it rose, well Jisung watched the sun. I watched him as the sun lit up his face. The way it made his skin sparkle amazed me.

"Jisung, do you.. want to be trans?"

"What? Oh no! I just... like cross dressing..."

"Oh so then you have lots of girls clothes?"

"Mhm! Actually I barely have any boy clothes"

"What?? What if people start getting suspicious?"

"Honestly I don't care who know that I cross dress... I was just scared of you knowing"

"Why? Ji you're so adorable like this"

"Because... Minho.. because I like you!" He blurted out but quickly covered his mouth

"You.. you what?"

"I like you Minho"

I didn't know what to say did he really just say he likes me??

"Hey Minho maybe we should head back"

"Huh? Oh.. yea okay"

We didn't talk at all on the walk home probably because of the confession it was so sudden I know I should've said something but I just didn't know what to say

We walked in the door coming face to face with Changbin I looked at Jisung and saw he was scared and shaking

"Hey bin what are you looking at? Huh?"

He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at me

"What? Oh Jisung... you cross dress?"

"I..." He must be too scared to talk

"Yeah and? Your brother is female to male"

"Defensive much Minho? I want going to make fun of your squirrel I was just asking" changbin said putting his hands up

"Your not disgusted by me?"

"See sung! I told you everyone would find you cute why didn't you believe me mate?" Felix said running up to Jisung and hugged him

Chan walked up smiling at the four

This chapter is mostly talking but it's one of the important chapters :) btw UR WELCOME @K-pop_Maniac !!!!!

Till the next chapter bye bye


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