"It's Not My Turn!"

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A frazzled Saki Arima, just about exasperated with Kaori and her two friends head-bopping and slapping each other crazy, said, in a harried tone of voice to Takahiko, Hiroko Seto and Yoshiyuki Miyazono, "It's not my turn! Get somebody else!" Hiroko Seto went up to Saki. "Are you okay, Saki?" Saki said "Oh, yes, yes, I hope so......" Her breathing was somewhat labored.

Takahiko Arima then asked, "Well, Yoshiyuki, how 'bout you? Will you please tell Kaori and her friends to come down for lunch?" Hiroko said, "I would, Mr. Arima, I swear I would, but the doctor told me to steer clear of them for a couple of weeks, on account of my nerves." What about you, Saki?" Saki said, "Oh, yeah. Just like the Army. Put ME on the front line. Uh-uh. I'm not going to do it. What about Ryoko Miyazono? She knows how to handle them."

Takahiko then said "Oh, poor thing. She has a toothache, so she went to lie down. Where are Kaori, Watari and Tsubaki?" Hiroko then said "Let me check on Kousei. He says he's been walking funny lately, and he's been blacking out on occasion...."

Meanwhile, in another room, two girls and a boy were busy examining a just about dazed Ryoko Miyazono's teeth. They were none other than Kaori Miyazono, Tsubaki Sawabe and Ryota Watari, who were all seven years old. The little Kaori said "Huh? I haven't seen a case like this in years....." All Ryoko could do is just let out grunts. Watari then said, "Look at all that metal in her mouth." Tsubaki then said to the two, "Must be too much iron in the water......"

Watari then said "Don't you worry, Ms. Miyazono. You're in good hands with us. We'll get that bum tooth out in no time flat! Let's get to work!" Kaori then said, "Anesthetic!" Tsubaki said "Anesthetic!" Watari then said "Anesthetic!" and got out a croquet mallet. Kaori then said "Fifteen milligrams. Give!" Watari then said "Five, ten, fifteen!"

Watari then hit Ryoko's head with the mallet. It did nothing, and Ryoko remained in a dazed state. Takahiko Arima then called out the three. "Kaori! Tsubaki! Watari! Open up, please!" Kaori then said, "Give us a moment, Mr. Arima!" Kaori then said to both Watari and Tsubaki: "It's the head penguin." They got into a gridiron football-like huddle. Kaori gave this signal: "Boxcar seven on three. Break! One, two, three."

The three then flipped the table that Ryoko was lying on, now showing a side with a cloth on it, like a dinner table. Takahiko then said, "I said open this door, you guys!" Kaori was pretending to play her violin, while Tsubaki and Watari were pretending to read a book, and paint. Takahiko wanted to know, "What are you three doing?" Kaori then said, "Just dabbling in the arts." Watari replied with "Indubitably." Takahiko then told the three "Oh. Well, lunch is ready, you three." Watari was excited, as were Kaori and Tsubaki. "Oh, boy! Eats!" Watari let out a "Woob-woob-woob" as they went down to eat.

Just then, Hiroko then alerted the Arimas and Miyazonos "You're not going to believe this. That rich couple just called. They're gonna be here in five minutes." Takahiko then said "Oh, goodness! But we're not prepared. Alright, well, you'd better inform all the children and tell them to make themselves all presentable." Hiroko then asked Takahiko, "What about Kaori, Tsubaki and Watari? And Kousei too?" Takahiko then said "Well, you know what to do, just throw them some chew toys and keep them out of sight." Yoshiyuki Miyazono was the next to speak. "We were thinking that maybe this time we should hide the other kids and then, with a little divine intervention, we could....." Saki Arima then said "It's called the bait and switch." Takahiko then gasped. He added, "Absolutely not! As much as I love to see both Watari and Tsubaki get adopted, I'm afraid they're not ready yet. And I can't chance scaring off another couple."

Just then, Ryoko Miyazono, who had just gained full consciousness earlier, but looking still kind of dazed, came into the room. Ryoko then said, her voice sounding a bit hoarse "That's it! I quit!" Takahiko then asked "What, Ryoko?" Yoshiyuki asked his wife "Why are you walking like a zombie, Ryoko?" Ryoko then said "It's too dangerous living around here with Kaori, her two friends and Kousei. I need a safer working environment."

Takahiko asked Ryoko "But where would you go?" Ryoko then said "Don't worry about me, Mr. Arima. You know Yoshiyuki's brother and Kaori's uncle, Seiya, who lives in Canada?" Yoshiyuki then asked his wife, "What about Seiya?" Ryoko then said "Well, you know how Seiya knows about the Canadian Football League? They have other teams besides the one in Saskatchewan." Yoshiyuki nodded at Ryoko and said to her, "You are right, Ryoko. There are other teams in the CFL besides the Riders." Ryoko continued on with, "I talked to Seiya recently and he said that the CFL team in the Alberta capital, what's the name of that city?" Hiroko then said "Edmonton." Ryoko continued, "Edmonton, yeah, their CFL team, what is their name?"

Yoshiyuki then said "Eskimos." Ryoko, again: "Yeah, the Edmonton Eskimos. Seiya told me they need an athletic trainer, and Seiya is going to hook me up with the Eskimos for that job." Yoshiyuki put some cold water on that plan. "Ryoko, dearie, you can't just go to Canada like that! What about our daughter, Kaori? And her two friends, and even Kousei? And even the Arimas? Can't you take them into consideration?" Ryoko then sighed. "I guess you're right..... there's so many hoops I'd need to overcome to work in Canada....." Takahiko then stopped all of them, and said "Okay, hold on, everybody. Just wait a minute." Takahiko sighed, and said, "Have Kaori and her friends meet me in my office."

The Three Nerima Stooges (Your Lie in April comedy AU fic, COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now