Day 10 (Aug. 24) | Sámara, Liberia - Traveling to Liberia

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3:34 pm (van on a Costa Rican highway)

¡Buenas tardes!

After packing up, we spent our last morning in Sámara on the beach. We borrowed a couple boogie boards and I rode one wave all the way up to the shore!

At around 10:30, we returned to the apartment to change, eat lunch, and get checked out by noon. We then had to figure out what to do for about three hours, because our van picked us up at 3:15.

We decided to leave our suitcases at the hotel and return to the beach. We sat in the shade at the very first restaurant we ate at in Sámara. (La Dolce Vita. The one with the big tree over the sitting area) We ordered some drinks and a little dessert in order to use their tables. I probably shouldn't have, but I got some chocolate cake. 😬 It was really good. 😄

After a couple of hours, we returned to the apartment to pick up our suitcases and walked a couple blocks to the Hotel Giada

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After a couple of hours, we returned to the apartment to pick up our suitcases and walked a couple blocks to the Hotel Giada. This is where the van would pick us up. The van came earlier than expected, so we only sat there for a few minutes.

Now, we are on the road! It'll probably be another three-ish hour drive. See you later!

8:44 pm (Hotel Boyeros)

We made it! We are staying at the same hotel as when we first came to Costa Rica. The van pulled up at around 5 o'clock, so it was only a two hour drive this time.

After reorganizing and dipping our feet in the pool, we walked down the street to Cafe Liberia for dinner. It was not crowded at all. The building used to be a Spanish Colonial home of some sort, and the restaurant kept many of the same features and designs.

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The food was good- filling, but not too big

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The food was good- filling, but not too big. I had a mango something salad. (it had grilled chicken, mango, avocado, cucumber, cheese, croutons, tomatoes, and I believe one more thing that I can't remember 😁) We also got two crepes and split them among us: a caramel crepe and a berry preserves crepe. Very yummy!

We are now back at the hotel and are ready to go to bed. Tomorrow morning we leave for the airport. Our flight is around 10:30 am, so we don't have to get up early. We'll be home around 8 pm.

¡Buenas noches!

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