Day 7 (Aug. 21) | Sámara - Surfing

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10:36 am (Sámara Beach)

¡Buenos dias!

Mom made breakfast this morning of eggs with potatoes and pineapple. 😋 After a bit of toodling about and getting more groceries, we grabbed some bags and walked down to the beach. We found one restaurant that lets you use their chairs if you buy food or a drink. Currently we are relaxing on the shore and failing at boogie boarding in the water. It's really hard, but fun when you can ride a wave correctly! We've got a great view, too.

 It's really hard, but fun when you can ride a wave correctly! We've got a great view, too

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Let me know if the picture publishes weird. I took a panorama.

I also took a picture of the seating area we ate lunch at yesterday.

My dad just signed the two of us up for surfing lessons this afternoon

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My dad just signed the two of us up for surfing lessons this afternoon. We'll see how much strength I have left after boogie boarding. 😁 We are heading back to the apartment to take a break in the air conditioning.

8:45 pm (Casa la Chora)

Whew! Back home again!

So we went to the surfing lesson. The company we learned from was Leo's Surf School. The teacher was great. He really showed us how to stand up on the board and made sure we got going straight. Our group was really small, (my dad, a young boy, and I) which made it really nice to get more attention from the teacher.

I thought it was pretty cool at first. I was able to stand on the board a few times! At some point, I got exhausted. I pushed myself a few more times, until my dad told me I could just quit if I needed to. I rode one more wave to get myself back to the shore, then decided to stop. I was very emotionally and physically done with surfing for the day, and it finally caught up to me. I think I kind of panicked, because I was still in the water and the board was heavy to move, and my breath started to feel wheezy. I did get myself out to dry land, and sat there for a little while watching the ocean.

I'm okay now! But the lesson is to not push yourself too hard! If you feel like you need to rest, rest. The ocean is much stronger than you, and you could get hurt.

We returned back to the apartment to wash up, then walked back through town to find a restaurant for dinner. We found Sheriff, which is right on the beach with outdoor seating. They had a wide variety of foods; my parents got casados with fish (a Costa Rican variety plate) while I got spaghetti with chicken. The food was tasty, but it was a giant plate!

On the way home, we stopped at Mama Gui for dessert. I wish I got a picture before we devoured our sweets, because they looked as good as they tasted! We got two desserts to split, which were a key lime tart and a molten lava cake.

Now we are back at the apartment. I'm ready to go to bed early. 😴 I believe we are kayaking and snorkeling tomorrow.

¡Buenas noches!

P.S. - Sorry to get this out late! I felt bad last night, and ended up trying to go to sleep while coughing until 10:30ish. I think I have a cold or something. I'm feeling just very tired. 😣

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