Chapter 22

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Emmaly's POV

I woke up, in Shane’s arms. I pulled away feeling like a player, I looked out the window and I saw we were getting into some populated area.

“And what might you be doing?” Shane asked

“Looking out the window or it that wrong?” I snapped

He glared at me but I turned away. I rested my head on the window, all I wanted to do right now is run but, I also wanted to talk to Harry. I frowned, knowing everyone is going to blame him. I felt a tear slide down my cheek, I guess I have been so busy I have never really sat down and thought about my life.

I wiped the tear away hoping none saw it, I never thought about really how much I was given.  I mean for crying out loud I was adopted by one direction! I guess I blew that one, I felt more tears run down my cheeks but I don’t care. I started to fidget, I needed a run and I need to go pee.

“Are you okay?” Shane asked

 I shook my head no and he looked concerned,

“What do you need?” he asked

I started jumping up and down

“I need to use the restroom and a run.” I said quietly

“You’re not hungry?” he asked

“I am but I need those two first.” I said

He nodded and whispered lowly with the other people in the front of the car. Soon there was a gas station and at this moment I didn’t care if I had to go behind a tree. He pulled up and Shane got out. He opened my door, grabbed my arm and pulled me out roughly.  I yelped out in pain, he glared at me.

“Come on the restrooms are this way.” He said

I followed him till the rest rooms came to the restrooms. I was about to open the door, when Shane grabbed my arm making me yelp out again.

“Listen; don’t bother trying to run I will catch you.” He said

I nodded, walked into the bathroom and jumped at my own reflection. God, I looked horrible and I mean more than normal. I felt around in my pockets and I found a little foldable brush and a rubber band. I brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail, and then I washed my face and used the restroom. I washed my hands and looked me over satisfied with my look, I walked outside.

“Damn, you took forever- -. “ Shane cut himself off

“Yes because I looked like shit and I’m not sure I look any better.” I replied

He looked at me and then pushed me in the gas station; he pulled me over by the drinks and got two waters and sandwiches. He walked toward the cashier, I followed behind him.

 He said,” Do you want anything else?”

I shook my head no, he turned around and a hand covered my mouth. He started pulling to the back of the store, I tried to get free but nothing was happening. I bit his hand and he pushed me away from him.

“WHAT THE FUCK!” he yelled while pushing me away.

Shane turned around, just as I hit the floor. I got up and ran over to him. He looked at me and then back to the guy behind me.

“Did he take you?” he asked

I nodded, on the verged of tears. He grabbed the bag and my wrist. He pulled me out of the gas station and shoved me in the back seat. I whimpered in protest, I mean I really want to run. He shut the door and got in on his side.

“Can I please go on a run?” I asked

“How did you get him to let you go?” he asked

“I err… I umm well you see- -.” He cut me off

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