Chapter 12

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Morgan’s POV

i woke up and those traders were awake. Harry said, “Should we just leave? I mean it’s not like she cares anymore." I guess they didn't know I was awake. Liam said, “Well we just can't leave her. Yesterday we were told the biggest secret she has." oh, yeah I told them that. I said, “if you leave now that you know you will be safer somewhat and I know Emmaly will do what she always did! She’ll put her life on the line to save anyone and that includes a complete stranger!!"

They looked at me and I said, “Her parents were killed because she didn't do her orders. She went to that concert with me, she was going to do them after but she didn't. She blames herself for everything and that counts when you guys left her." they looked uneasy being in the room now. I smiled and said, “wow I knew I hated your music but, now I hate both you and your music!!!" I stood up and left the room. i went outside to the parking lot and lit up a cigarette. Emmaly didn't just have to drag race but sometimes there deal with drugs and other shit. I was lilting my second cigarette when it was knocked out of my hand.

I mean yea so what if i am only twelve. I looked up and saw Liam and I said, “so what you leave my best friend and then come back to give us all life lessons cause I ain't taken any from you!" he said, “your twelve who gives you drugs?" I shrugged. If this dumbass thinks that the game is going to be played like this well he has a lot to learn but whatever. I said, “as i said before Emmaly did orders. Well some of them had to do with drugs but most of them were drag racing and many more."

He said," Emmaly does drugs?" I burst out laughing I said," oh, god she just lost the 'goody two shoes' title. to answer your question I honestly don't know ."I pulled another out and lit it and inhaled the smoke. i released the smoke just to get it knocked out of my hand again. I huffed and said, "What!!"

he took a step back and said ,"I know for a fact you and Emmaly need to go to jail." and he took off running. i ran after him, when I got to the room I found Emmaly crying which tears me apart i have rarely ever seen her cry. I looked over to the boys looking concerned. I walked over to Emmaly and handed her, her pocket knife. She took and said, "Yes, can you please get me napkins?"

i nodded and left the room to get napkins. She has a weird habit every restaurant we got to shed carves into the napkins it has always helped her relax. When I got back to the room, I handed her the napkins and she got straight to it. Liam said," I thought she was going to cut herself." right then the knife slipped and cut her finger she yelled," ouch holy shit, god damn it that hurt," they all looked at her i guess they didn't really know her so I just started laughing.

Everyone looked at me the boys looking very confused and Emmaly well she said," fuck you, asshole." I said, “you would want to but I don't swing for your team." she was beyond pissed at me which I wouldn't blame her. She said, “well at least I didn't have one direction infection, nor did i think harry styles was sexaay but that was what you said." I said, “Whatever I thought once upon a time but i don't like the band anymore and i never thought Liam was sexy but you wrote that on your wrist. Ha ha I won."

she was blushing like crazy and was avoiding looking at the boys and me. Liam said, “well now we know who her favorite is but why did she take harry to the where ever she went and shares a bed with harry." I walked over and slapped harry in the face and yelled, “you slept with her!!!!!!"

i turned around Emmaly was shaking grabbing her head. I ran out of the room and yelled, “HELP PLEASE HELP I NEED A NURSE DOCTOR PLEASE I THINK SHES GONNA DIE." two nurses ran into the room I didn't want to go in the room so i sat on the floor outside of the room crying the thought of losing my best friend killed me. A couple minutes later the boys walked out. Where’s frank? I haven't seen him all day but whatever i don't care. Liam said, “please don't cry."

i stood up and wiped my tears away walking away. I knew they were following but I didn't care. I got outside and went to a bench and lit up another but to my surprise i threw the smoke and the box and took off running until I got to the end of the parking lot to the empty field and i lied down and looked up at the sky. Tears flooded my face, me and Emmaly used to do this all the time and wait till her mom gave us permission to go to the mall. i smiled at the memory but it fell knowing her mom was dead and she was on the doorsteps of death.

the boys finally caught up and sat down next to me and looked up like me and Zayn said, "ummmm what are you looking at?" I laughed which made them look more confused. I said, “here is where me and Emmaly normally would hang out until we got permission to go over to the mall." he said, “so what you looking at?" I smiled and said, “you lived you entire life in the city didn't you?" he nodded I said, “Then you won't understand. i look up and the sky and well Emmaly would get lost in her thoughts it just helped both of us clear are heads."

Niall said, “you are twelve and need to clear you head? oh, god what has this would come too?" i said, “eight year olds getting pregnant and people killing themselves and well this is one hell of a time god maybe just maybe if i kill myself no one will care." I shrugged and someone behind me let out a scream I turned around and no it can't be i screamed, "NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

It was Emmaly on the ground in a bloody heap. There was some running. i grabbed the knife off of the ground and chased after them or him as soon as I got up he said, “please don't hurt me. it was orders I swear." I nodded and walked back to them and saw it was most likely she wasn't coming back I took her phone and went through her contacts until I got to the one that said ‘bastard’ and hit call.

‘I guess he has taken care of her.’

‘You sick bastard first your own sister and then brother in-law your nephew and now the one you have put through hell since she was seven you are a complete ASSHOLE!!!!!’ the boys were staying and Emmaly was being carried in by a couple  of nurses

‘Yes and you are?’

‘Oh you are just a barrel of fuckin laughs over my dead body will I give you that information’

‘Oh I can get it out of you’

‘And how do you plan on doing that? You don’t know me are you going to stalk me? And kill my parents because that would be that biggest mistake you could ever make!!’

‘Or would it you sound like a bunch of talk and no action.’

‘If Emmaly dies you will be dead in the same hour she is announced dead!!!’

I hung up not wanting to here anymore I wiped the knife off and my jeans. I felt something inside of me snap. Emmaly said that she had that feeling when he started giving her orders. I walked into the hospital and over to the boys Liam asked, “who were you talking to?” I said, “no one important.” He said,”you were almost yelling into the phone. Who was it!”

I said,”the bastard that has been giving Emmaly orders since she was seven and killed her parents.” They looked towards a room, i guess the one she is in. Louis said,"who did you go after? did you catch them? did you kill them? or did you at least hurt them?"

i said,"i don't know his name, yes i caught him no i didn't kill him nor did i hurt him, he did it because of orders athere is nothing i can do about that only emmaly can. infact Zayn, Louis she got you released by doubling her time why she did it well she heard you sing and wanting to go on the x-factor but with the orders you couldn't." they both looked stunned.

i smiled and just then a doctor came out of that room and said,"are you here for Emmaly?" i nodded and said,"i am here for her." he nodded and said,"well emmaly is in recovery but there is a little chance she will make it. i am very sorry." i dropped down to my knees my head in my hands and i started crying. harry said,"sshhhhh its gonna be ok shes pulled out of it before she can do it again." the doctor added,"she is trying not to come back i am afraid." i cried in harrys arms untill i fell asleep.

I was adopted by....One Direction?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin