Chapter One

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Harry woke up to Ron jumping on his bed. "Wake up, Mate! Dumbledore wants us and Hermione in his office!" he said, getting off the bed seeing that Harry was awake.

"Ok," was all Harry replied before closing the bathroom door.

Xxx In Dumbledore's Office xxX

Harry knocked on Dumbledore's door. A muffled "Come in," was heard from inside. Harry looked back at Ron and Hermione before walking in.

"Ah! Harry, My Boy! How good it is to see you!" said Dumbledore as he saw Harry. "You are all wondering why you are here, yes?" The three nodded as they sat down in the three chairs on the other side of Dumbledore. "I'm sorry to say this, but...," Dumbledore paused. "You're all expelled."

"What?!" the trio said in unison. Dumbledore nodded sadly. "You three have broken too many school rules." Dumbledore turned to Ron. "You may take Ginny out of Hogwarts too if you wish, Mr. Weasley." Ron nodded.

"You are dismissed."

Xxx In The Gryffindor Common Room xxX

As the trio walked through the portrait all eyes turned to them. Hermione ran to room to cry while Ron went to get Ginny. As his two friends left, Harry decided to break the news. "We got expelled!" he said.

Everyone who was still doing something immediately stopped what they were doing to look at Harry. "You have to be joking!" said Neville. "Nope!" replied Harry, popping the 'p'. Everybody had no clue how Harry was so positive. It was horrible news!

Harry walked up to his room to start packing.

Xxx The Front Doors Of Hogwarts xxX

"As you may have heard," began Dumbledore. "Hadrian Alejandro James Potter, Ronald Billius Weasley, and Hermione Jean Granger have been expelled." Many gasps were heard. "They will also bring Ginerva Molly Weasley with them," Dumbledore finished. Ron, Ginny, and Harry blushed. Ginny because she was embarrassed by her name and Ron because he was embarrassed by his middle name.

Harry blushed because he kept it a secret that his real name was Hadrian and his middle name being both Alejandro and James. He had decided to keep it a secret because when really smart people figured out he was abused and asked for his name, he would always say his name was Hadrian. He even made up a whole fake name, Hadrian Alejandro Gutierrez. It wasn't exactly fake as Hadrian was his real name, Gutierrez was one of his actual names, and Alejandro was one of his middle names.

"You didn't tell us that your full name was Hadrian Alejandro James Potter," said Hermione. "That's because it isn't," Harry replied and turned to Dumbledore. "My name is Hadrian Alejandro Gutierrez. My mother is Lily Ann Evans and my father is Alejandro Juan Gutierrez." Many gasps were heard, again. Harry saw Rita Skeeter and Cornelius Fudge in the corner of his eye. He started explaining.

Thursday, July 31, 1980

Lily was sitting next to her husband, Alejandro, in pain as he drove as fast as he could to the hospital.

One day while Lily was trying to get away from James in her fifth year, she ran into Alejandro. After that they started hanging out more. Lily realized he was a muggleborn, too. The one thing that really stood out to her, though, was that he was a Seroblood, just like her. A Seroblood is a rare thing that happens to muggleborns where if two Serobloods get together, their children will be pure bloods. Only 10% of the wizarding world were Serobloods and here we were. Two best friend Serobloods. The Sero part from Seroblood was from the word Seer. A Seer is a person who had dreams about the future. Since you would already know that your children would be purebloods, it seemed perfect.

After a few months, they both developed feelings for each other. A month after that they admitted their feelings towards each other and got into a relationship. After that, they made a plan to make James realize that him and Lily were only friends.

It was a free period for most of the seventh years and they were all on the Quidditch field. Then Lily started singing.

"You just got rejected, Bro!" said Sirius, laughing like crazy at his friends face. James huffed and turned around.

Eventually Alejandro and Lily got married. They also did some things to get Lily pregnant, but nobody needed to know that.

And here we are now, Lily in labor and Alejandro hyperventilating while driving. Things were going just swell. Once Alejandro stopped the car at the ER, he, literally, jumped out of the car to help Lily out.

As it was 11:00 P.M. and Alejandro couldn't concentrate, he got a magazine to calm his nerves. After an hour of hearing his wife scream, Alejandro was relieved when a doctor lead him to Lily. Once he got in, he saw Lily was holding a baby in a blue blanket. Alejandro sat in the chair next to Lily's bed and asked,"What do you want to name him?" Lily smiled and answered,"Hadrian-"

Somebody busted into the room, cutting Lily off. It was man, for sure, but there was no way in telling what he looked like as he had a black mask on. "Give me your baby!" the man said. Alejandro stepped into front of Lily and baby Hadrian to protect them, only to be shot in the head. "NO!" screamed Lily. She got up from the bed and grabbed the chair Alejandro was sitting on. She whacked the man in the head with the chair and he passed out.

"Hadrian Alejandro Gutierrez," Lily finished.

A month after Hadrian was born, Lily and James started talking and, eventually, snogging.

After Harry had finished his story he had a lot of questions coming his way. Harry ignored them all until one of Skeeter's questions caught his attention. "How do you remember all of this, Mr. Gutierrez?" Harry sighed and replied with, "My mother told me that story every night, so I wouldn't forget my father."

And with that, they left.

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