Chapter 14

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Bucky's POV

After Wanda and Natalie left to go help Steve, I was left with this woman. She seems relaxed and sure that I won't hurt her. I don't know why, but I plan to find out.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Hilarious, Bucky. You're quite the comedian," she says sarcastically.

The woman points to the gun that I still have positioned at her head.

"Is this really necessary? They're gone," she rolls her eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I ask and she finally understands.

"Wait, do you really not remember me?" She starts to worry.

I shake my head and she actually starts to panic. I back away as she starts to...change. Her ears start to grow and form into fury points. Her teeth get sharper and she grows a tail. She's turning into a wolf.

I thought this world couldn't get any crazier.

"Woah, woah, hey," I said.

I didn't know what else to say. I didn't know her name or what to do in this situation. This has never happened to me before. Her bright purple eyes look deep into mine and she starts to calm herself down.

I hold out my hand and she takes it. Her grip is extremely tight and she falls to her knees. Her other hand grabs her head and the wolf traits start to disappear.

When she is completely human again, she lays on her back on the ground. She takes deep breaths and has her eyes screwed shut. I kneel down beside her with our hands still attached.

"Are you okay? What the hell just happened?" I ask as calm as I can.

"Just give me a minute, will you? That's exhausting," she says and removes our hands and covers her face.

After a couple more minutes of waiting, the woman still hasn't spoken since her transformation. I feel bad, but I figured it would be best not to try to talk to her. She found a nice seat against a wall where I stand a few feet away.

The awkwardness in the air fades away when I hear footsteps approaching. Wanda, Steve, and Nattie.

"Did you get anything out of her?" Natalie asks.

I shake my head. She tries to approach the woman, but I stop her.

"I would wait to talk. We just need to get her back to the compound," I suggest and she nods slowly.

She seems unsure of my decision, but she can tell I'm making it for the right reasons. I look over at the woman and she seems to have perked up at the arrival of my friends. She stands up with glee when she sees Steve.

"Captain!" she shouts and skips over to him.

"Look, I know you don't know me, but you have to believe me. Hydra, they messed with Bucky's brain. If you - "

"Ma'am, let's talk when we get back to the compound. I think it's best if we all get some rest," Steve interrupts.

She sucks in a breath of irritation, but agrees.

"Fine, but if bitch face here, is the one talking to me, I will take Bucky elsewhere. Got it?" she scowls.

"Excuse me?" Natalie says with her jaw slightly dropped.

"You heard me," she snaps back.

Natalie went to charge after her, but Steve held her back. She was trying to get passed him and the stranger just started to laugh.

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