Chapter 3

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Steve looks down at his feet for a while just thinking. I told him a lot. I kind of dropped a huge bomb onto him. I don't blame him for not being verbal.

"What happened? What changed to make us win?" he asked softly.

"Time travel. You went back and collected to stones before Thanos even knew where they were to snap everyone back," I reply.

"So what's the problem? We won. What went so wrong that we need to fix it?" Steve presses for more information.

"As I said before, I want to make it so there aren't any casualties," I explain vaguely.

"Natalie, who died?" he asks a little more firmly.

"Along with Gamora, Loki, Vision, all those who tried to fight, we lost some close people. They sacrificed themselves for everyone else," I try to avoid answering by stalling.

"Natalie. Who?"

"You split up into teams not knowing what would happen. Clint and Natasha went to a planet known as Vormior to retrieve the soul stone. They didn't realize that you needed to sacrifice something you love. Natasha sacrificed herself after a very understandable argument. She died for Clint and his family."

Steve takes a minute to breathe. The look on his face says it all. He looks absolutely crushed. I knew they were close, but I always knew they were a little more than just friends. Even if they won't admit it.

"And? You said there was more than one," Steve says.

"In order to snap everyone back, someone needs to wield the stones. The stones are powerful though. They contain gamma radiation, so Bruce volunteered as Hulk. He survived, but it took a lot out of him.

Thanos ended up coming back and tried to reverse it back. He nearly did, but Tony took the stones and he made a gauntlet with his suit. He snapped his fingers and turned Thanos and his army to dust."

Steve's POV

I didn't know what to say. Tony always joked about wanting to have a dramatic death saving the world, but I didn't think he would actually do it. In fact, I see Tony as a different person now.

I no longer see him as the egotistical jerk that he made himself out to be. He always seemed selfish. He would put himself or his company above others. I think Pepper really changed him. I think we all had an effect on him.

"Steve, I'm so sorry," Natalie said, on the verge of tears.

"What for? It's not like you could've done anything about it? You are now though," I give her a sad smile.

"I feel telling you what will happen won't be enough this time. I'll need to be out there, but I won't last two seconds against an army of magical aliens," she scoffs.

"It's a good thing I know someone who could be of help," I smile.

"Not you?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Nah. I think you need a woman's touch."

"Fine, but we need an actual plan," I sternly state.

"You're right, and we'll figure it out. Together."

Natalie's POV

"Um, ouch. Can you go a little easy on me, Nat? I'm new at this," I get off the mat where she just threw me to the ground.

"No can do, fangirl. You're never going to get better if I go easy. How do you think I learned?" she smirks.

"Nat, I know how you learned. If I'm being completely honest, I don't think you should consider them role models," I say and massage my bruised tailbone.

"I guess that's fair."

Natasha comes at me with another strike and I block it, barely. We've only been training for a couple of weeks. I can tell I'm improving though. I'm very proud of myself.

Me getting lost in my thoughts again distracts me from correcting my footing and I trip. Nat laughs and offers me a hand. I smack it away and jump up.

You are not a pansy, Natalie Carter.

This time, I throw the first punch. Nat grabs my fist with ease and I kick my leg up to wrap around her arm. I push down hard and she lets go. She goes for a kick like I did, but I slap it away. She charges at me and spins her body around my neck.

She put me in a chokehold and I struggle for dominance. I find an exposed area by her right ribcage slam my elbow into it. She absorbs the blow, but in doing so, she throws her weight onto my back. I manage to flip the woman over me.

Thinking she would go down, she took me with her. She trapped me between the floor herself and I groan out.

"You're getting better," I hear a masculine voice.

Nat and I look to the doorway and see a long-haired man smiling at us as he leans against the door frame.

"I've been trying to tell her that, but she won't believe me," Natasha agreed.

It's not that I'm not improving, because I know I am, I just don't think I'm improving fast enough. I want to be really good. I can't be average when Thanos comes and wrecks the entire universe.

"You're much better compared to the last I saw you and that was last week. Natasha is teaching you well," Bucky tries to convince me.

"I'm still not good though," I retort.

"What's with the sudden need to be good? You're training. It's okay to not be perfect in the first two months," Natasha reassures me.

I shake my head in disagreement.

She doesn't understand. They don't know what's coming.

"How am I going to be an Avenger if I can barely hold my own?" I ask.

"Natalie, you already are an Avenger. You have a suit and everything," Nat sighs.

"It's not even finished. You know why? Because you guys don't know what to do with it. I have no specialty. You can't make the suit fit me because you don't know me. I don't even know me," I start to raise my voice.

I know I'm overreacting. I know I need to calm down. I 'm just so stressed.

"I'm sorry. I just," I take a deep breath, "I just need a minute," I say and start to walk to my room.

Natasha stays in the gym, but Bucky follows. He must need me for something.

"Did you need me, dear?" I ask and turn around.

Bucky's POV (Seconds ago)

Natalie started to raise her voice at Natasha and I and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I feel like it's something I did, but I know that can't be true. Something is off though. It isn't just because she can't take Natasha in a fight.

"I'm sorry. I just," she stopped herself to breathe, "I just need a minute."

Now I hate myself for my terrible timing. I wanted, needed, to talk to her. I wanted answers. Most of all though, I just like being around her. I want her.

I can't have her though.

And I need to get that through my thick skull.

She walks out of the gym and I follow. I figured I would let her walk to her room to let her breathe. I also wanted to speak to her alone. I still didn't know what exactly I wanted to say though.

"Did you need me, dear?" she asks and turned to face me.

That's where it all went downhill.

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