Chapter 4

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Bucky's POV

I got all flustered. My hands start to sweat and clam up. I'm nervous. Because of one simple word that one beautiful woman called me.


No one has ever called me that. Not even my mother. How can someone be so calm while calling someone a nickname? How can she not feel the way I feel about her?

How does her heart rate not increase? How does she not sweat? How does she not stutter? How does she act so calm? Does she not feel the butterflies? Does she not feel that electricity when we touch? When we kissed? How does she not feel that?

Well, she does feel that, all of it.

Just not with me.

"No, I, well, yes. I just wanted to give you that minute you asked for," I answer her after quite a bit of silence.

"No, that's okay," she smiled widely.

"Walk me to my room?" she asked and I nod.

I quickly get closer to her and walk side by side. We're so close our hand touch when she swings them back and forth. It took all of my will power not to intertwine our fingers.

"So, what was it you needed?" she asked.

"I wanted to ask you about the future. They tell me you know everything that's going to happen," I say, referring to our fellow teammates.

"I guess they left out the part where I can't tell you," she gives me a sly smile.

"Oh, yeah I guess they did," I look down at my feet.

"I just wanted to know how you knew I could be trusted I guess. They must've gotten Hydra out of my head somehow," I say sadly.

I feel a hand grab mine and I look over at the beautiful brunette. She has a wide smile and it makes me happy. It gave me hope.

"What?" I ask, trying to hold back my smile.

I failed.

"Maybe we can. I can't tell you everything, but I think I could help. Maybe we could make things a little easier. We have to -" Natalie trails off.

"Natalie?" I ask.

Natalie's POV

I saved King T'chaka. I don't know how he would react to this all. He keeps Wakanda very closed off. I'm not sure if we could just waltz into the capital and expect his help with reshaping Bucky's brain.

But we could still get rid of the book. The book is the main reason Bucky turns into the Winter Soldier, so if we have that, we can at least somewhat control his alter ego.

It's good enough for now.

"Sorry, I just remembered something. Um, so we'll have to do a short term solution for now, okay?" I said.

"Okay, what's the short term?" he asked kind of confused.

"Bucky, how would you like to go on a trip with me?"

He didn't even hesitate a minute. He replied honestly and with a wide smile.

"Where are we going?"



Bucky's POV

The next morning we were all packed and ready to go off to Cleveland. Natalie still hasn't told me what we're doing. I'm sure she'll tell me eventually. I'll figure it out if she doesn't.

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