Chapter 9: The Scarlet Devil Mansion

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Author's Note: Hi 


"Oh no, not this place...!" Reimu thought to herself in mild panic.

The Scarlet Devil mansion is home to two vampire sisters, Remilia and Flandre Scarlet, with Remilia being the older sister by 5 years. Remilia herself is also 500 years old flat, making Flandre 495 years old. The two are regularly troublesome for Reimu in which she has to regularly fight the two, usually individually as the two don't enjoy fighting side-by-side. Due to this rivalry, she has regularly feared seeing the two due to a fight breaking out. It's a mutual distain.

Reimu herself has never been to the Scarlet Devil Mansion until today, and it's just as horrifying as she imagined. It has its own moon-lighting system, meaning the magic around the place is very powerful.

Sakuya stepped out of the way, letting Yukari pull an apprehensive Reimu inside. The interior was beautifully maintained due to Sakuya and her other maids being very talented. They first stepped onto a red carpet that stayed in the middle of each room. Straight ahead from the large doorway was a stairway that led to a second floor, while the left and right led to decently-wide corridors that led to unknown locations. Above Reimu and Yukari was a large chandelier, a beautifully-designed one that shone reflected golden light across the entrance. All around the walls were various paintings of unknown figures, various Youkai, and a few of Remilia and Flandre together. 

The area was given more life by the various bits of furniture decorating the rooms. A grand-father clock, drawers and cupboards in a storage-sense, fancy chairs and tables between them for tea-time, and strangely a few scattered toys.

Sakuya followed behind the two, stepping in front.

"Remilia and Flandre are further in, in the main living room. Please follow me, Mistress Yukari and Mistress Reimu." Sakuya politely stated. The formality was off-putting for Reimu herself, as she was way too casual for that sort of thing.

"You can just say Reimu, I'm not royal or important enough to warrant Mistress." She rubbed the back of her neck with her free hand, since her other hand was still holding onto Yukari's.

"Very well, Reimu. Please follow me." Sakuya didn't really care either way. She's paid whether or not she addresses them as such or not.

As they walked through the halls in silence, Yukari looked back at Reimu to see her eyes wandering through the hallway they walked. Chandeliers were everywhere, as well as small, intricately-melded candle-holders. Swirling metal metal that had a hollow rectangle that held a small candle within its glass frame. Usually on each side of a door. The light levels were decently low, but illuminated it enough to see in the eternal-night that enveloped the mansion. 

When Reimu noticed Yukari stared at her, she gasped silently and looked away, gaining a blush. Yukari smiled, entertained.

"Reimu, are you wondering why it's night, despite the path here being mid-day?" The amount of times Yukari saw Reimu peeking outside and looking up through the sun - Or well, 'moon roofs' - was obvious enough of a tell.

"Oh! Uh, yeah kinda..." 

Reimu's innocence was precious.

"Simple. The two are vampires. It's harmful to be out in the sun too long. So, they altered the magic around the mansion to be eternal night. It's entirely contained, so now the two enjoy peaceful darkness all the time." 

Reimu now wondered how they had power enough for that sort of control. The two were strong, but she's never had to deal with magic that powerful. 

"...How? That's like border magic-" Reimu froze. Yukari smirked just a bit more. "You helped them, didn't you?" 

Yukari's border-control let her entirely contain the mansion in the darkness, at their request, and Yukari's gain. 

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