Chapter O

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The Ace.

Seraphina. She's interesting despite her bland character and goals. Is it because she's strong in both aspects?

No, that's boring.

She really didn't catch my eye at first. She was an overachiever, teacher's pet, and the role model of the entire school. There's nothing wrong with that, of course.

But it's so boring to not see her stand up for herself. Doesn't she get tired of doing shit for others?

The new kid.

He gave me the impression of someone who's gonna get a bad time with him being homeschooled, no abilities, and that happy-go-lucky face. His character bored me at first, but... Who knows?

Who knows if he'll change this school in the future?

"It's a bit later in the school year, but we have a new transfer student today! Please introduce yourself," the pink-haired teacher said.

He radiates confidence.

The black-haired gelled male standing beside her spoke up with a while. "Hello! My name is John," he waves, "I'm looking forward to meeting you all! And I hope we can get along!"

After introductions, we all went back into studying.

I was too focused on thinking what to eat next that I lost track of time and before I knew it, it was next class.

I wanted to go to greet John. I don't think I've ever seen a cripple in this school, actually... Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever seen a cripple in my entire life.

Probably because I stay inside and play games all day... What level am I again? Did I max out my intelligence stat?

Wait, shoot. I got absorbed in my thoughts again and now I'm not the first one to say hello.

"Hi, John!" The blue-haired female greeted,"I'm Elaine. Welcome to Wellston!"

"How's your first day so far?"

"..." John seemed a bit nervous, "Not bad, I guess..." he says while scratching his cheek. "Wonderful!" Elaine happily said. "So which school did you transfer from?"

"Erm... I was actually homeschooled before this," he replied. "Woah really? We've never had one of those before..." she beamed. "Hah... I was feeling a bit lonely, so I decided to try something new!"

"Well, you've come to the right place!"

No, you didn't. I sense something troublesome from that cripple.


Was he a cripple?

When did I...

"What kind of ability do you have?"

I think this is getting out of hand.

"Well... to be completely honest...

I don't have one ."

Silence in the room. This was getting interesting.

Blueberry is getting mad.

"What did you say?" Elaine raged. John was confused. "Erm... I don't have an a-"

"I can't believe this!" She shouted angrily. "..Elaine? Are you alright?" The new kid reached out in an attempt to comfort her.


She's bringing too much attention.



I don't think I've spoken in a week so I surprised myself as well with my soft-spoken voice. Thank goodness it wasn't scratchy.

Quietly, I walked over and gave the healer some notes for the next class, which I shared with her. "Thanks for letting me borrow it," I smoothly said. I patted her shoulder. "Leave him be; You've got better things to do."

Frustrated, she swiftly leaves the classroom, probably going to snitch to Arlo. Eh, he won't hurt me that much. He loves me too much to do so.

...That was a joke.

"...T-Thanks," John breathed, "I thought she would actually push me." I shrug. "Well, she probably would. Thank goodness I was there before she'd beat your ass."

He sweatdropped, probably thinking if I was always this cocky. "Yeah..."

"Don't take it too personally. Hey, what class do you have next?"

"Oh! My next class is math."

I nod. "OK, I'll escort you there but I won't guarantee your safety. I'm a low-tier after all," I warned as I helped him pack up his stuff. "Elaine probably shows mercy since I'm hella cool."

We both head outside of the class, ignoring the heated stares of my peers. "I can't believe sweater girl actually stepped in..." "Yeah. I thought she was into drama." "She's just trying to have a good image to the cripple."

Secretly, I flipped the bird and stuck my tongue out. Their faces turned into anger as I walked out snickering at their expressions. "Why do we even put up with her crap?" Isen sighed.

John didn't miss my actions.

He grins. "You're pretty confident for your rank."

"Well, there's no point in acting weak. Gotta fake it till you make it."

"I'll keep that in mind," he says as he gives a thumbs up.

After throwing some random sentences and facts to each other, we both made it to his class. I said my farewells as we begin to part ways.


Smack! The loud noise of the textbook filled or ears. With a good few seconds of awkward silence, I coughed and knelt down.

"...Hey, I think you dropped your book," I chuckled as I picked it up and handed it to him. He stays silent for a while before giving a sheepish laugh. "Thanks."

As I handed the textbook to him, just for a split second...

Our fingers touched.


He lets out a fake cough. "See you later, perhaps."

"Y-Yeah. Hopefully not in the infirmary though," I joked normally. He rolled his eyes before walking inside and the door closing behind him.

I let out a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding.

I felt weird.

Like weird enough to make me want to puke.

I quickly walked away to a more quiet area as I try to get my shit together. "Frick, what the heck? Impossible..."

I know that I'm stronger than this... Both mentally and physically...



This was just a fraction, a figment of his mind. I feel like I'm being suffocated by guilt.

What the hell?

I feel like... a dam. About to burst. Is this how he feels all this time?

A new start.

"I can't tell anyone about this..."

I finally made it to the rooftop and collapsed against the wall. My breaths were getting irregular from my walking. Not that I was unfit...

But the sudden feeling of power surging through my veins was too much to take.

"He's not someone to be messed with," I said to myself.

A small sly grin slowly grew on my face. A feeling that I haven't felt in a while since coming to this school.

"How interesting."

He's interesting.


Ten days until September 28, 2019 =^=

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