33.group chat 3

59 1 0

DabDab:yugy do want to go out with me?
Dandelion yugy:ouh, where? ::>_<::
DabDab:somewhere you want to go
Dandelion yugy:wuuu great oky let me change first
TeamWang; what are you guys doing? Going out together without ME!??
DabDab:owo cool hyung it's not like that. Long time i doesnt go hangout with yugy that's why.
Markachu:they is dating leave them alone jackson
DabDab:wait what??
TeamWang; ugh fine
Dandelion yugy; i'm readyyyy
DabDab:i on my way to your house.
Sunshine ✨:aww so sweet
TeamWang:bam don't forget to treat me LUNCH ARGHH JSJSJS
Defsoul_:shut up
Markachu:other than yugy and bammie what are you guys doing?
Sunshine ✨:eatingg
TeamWang:gym 😏
Defsoul_:just laying on bed
Markachu:ouhhhhh btw where's jinyoung?
Sunshine ✨: nahh idk
Defsoul_:@pepi_jy stupid come out
TeamWang:hyung not again 😌
Pepi_jy:what do you want? @defsoul_
Defsoul_:just join here hergh
Pepi_jy:i dont want
Markachu:what the heck
Pepi_jy:@DabDab @dandelion yugy you guys going out without me ●︿●
Defsoul_:dont you prefer to stay at home?
Pepi_jy:forget it i'm leave.
TeamWang:who's house have food? I wanna come
TeamWang:oky cool i on my way.


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