The soldiers of the regiment continued to train. After dinner they all went back to training. Not a single break.

Josette was outside her tent talking to Major Cabot Forbes. "So you and Robert?" He asked with hesitancy. Josette eyes grew wide.

She let out a chuckle followed by nervous laughter. "No it's not like that Cabot. Not at all."

"Mmhm, I see the way he looks at you." he paused then continued "and the way you look at him"

Her face turned red, making it feel like it was burning up. Josette didn't know what they were. Friends? The girl was too afraid and shy to ask.

Cabot let out a chuckle seeing her reaction.

Josette and Cabot's attention was immediately brought to the sound of horse shoes clicking on the dirt. The jet black horse was brought to a stop in front of the two.

A man looked down at them from his horse and took off his hat. He reached in a pouch filled with envelopes.

"Here this is for Colonel Robert Gould Shaw. Would you give this to him?" The man asked handing the note to Cabot Forbes.

"Yes of course. Thank you." Cabot said with a nod

"No problem, have a lovely night." The man said and he rode his horse out of thee camp.

Cabot and Josette looked at each other. "What is it?" the young girl asked with curiosity in her voice.

Cabot did not respond.

"Major!" she said trying to get his attention

He knew exactly what the letter was.

"We need to get Robert so he can inform the camp." He responded still not answering the question.

Confusion took over the girls face. "Inform the camp? Wait what does Robert need to tell them?"

"No time to explain, come on let's go find Robert." Cabot began to walk, Josette stayed behind in shock. Cabot stopped as he didn't hear Josette's footsteps. "Sergeant!" He called after her. Josette jumped jump and caught up with him.

"Sorry sir." she apologized

Robert was walking around the camp observing the men beginning to wine down and relax around the campfire. He stayed for a couple of minutes until he began to walk to his tent. Robert took off his coat and sat in his desk.

He let out a sigh leaning into his wooden chair closing his eyes

"Robert." Cabot and Josette said in unison scaring the young man making him jump up almost falling out of his seat.

He held his hand over his chest as if his heart would explode any minute "Good God you startled me." he said with a small chuckle

Both of the soldiers stayed quiet. Robert looked at them "Whats wrong?" He questioned

"Sir, this is for you." Cabot handed him the letter. Robert opened it taking a few moments to read it.

They've done it, the confederate has issued a proclamation.

"Gather everyone outside.' He ordered

"Yes sir." Cabot said with a salute leaving the tent.

Minutes later the men were gathered outside. All were waiting for Robert. Rain was pouring from the sky and thunder could be heard, everyone stood in silence.

Josette had no time to put on her raincoat on, it was so cold she could see her own breath.

Robert walked out side. "Attention!" Cabot and Josette Yelled making sure all eyes were on Robert.

The Colonel observed everyone. He cleared his throat and began to speak.

  "In accordance to Lincoln you men.....and women..." he said looking at Josette "Are advised that the confederate congress has issued a proclamation."

Everyone looked at each other wondering what the proclamation was

"Any negro taken in arms against the confederacy will immediately be returned to state of slavery. Any negro taken in uniform will be put to death." Robert paused for a moment clearing his throat

"Any white officer taken command of negro soldiers shall likewise be put to death."

Josette clenched her fist, outraged by the confederacy's proclamation, she wasn't surprised about the proclamation but it was just hard for her to process it, it angered everyone.

"Full discharge will be granted in the morning to all those who apply. Dismissed!"

"Dismissed!" the other officers yelled. As soon as it cleared out the only ones who remained outside were Josette and Robert.

He walked up to her taking off his coat and put it on her to shield the girl from the rain.

"If they're not here in the morning ...I understand." Robert said looking down.

"Goodnight Josette." Her added as he went inside.

That night no one could sleep. Robert was pacing back and forth hoping that tomorrow his soldiers would stay.

Josette and Cabot hoped the same as well.

The girl understood why they would leave. because this was serious now, they would officially be putting their lives on the line.

Everyone would just have to wait till tomorrow to see if there would be a 54th Massachusetts after all.

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