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'Grand' Entrance

Josette's POV
My bed was still wet from the water the drill Sargent poured on me so I decided not to sleep. The sun was barley starting to rise. I took this time to get ready.

The door was still open but I didn't think anything of it. I picked out a plain solid navy blue dress. Not really that elegant, I wasn't trying to impress anyone.

My hair had always been naturally curly so I just let my curls go free

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My hair had always been naturally curly so I just let my curls go free. I sat down in front of the mirror looking at myself thinking. I grabbed my navy blue union hat and put it on with a proud smile.

While looking in the mirror there he was, Robert. He had been looking at me, at least I thought he was. When our eyes met he cleared his throat looking away quickly. The man turned on his heal walking to his room.

Roberts POV

As I was on my way to my bedroom I passed by Josette in the guest room. I hadn't realized that I had stopped to look at her. A moment went by, she was fixing her curly brunette hair.

Josette had been examining herself in the mirror, she was lost in thought it seemed to me. I gave a small smile to myself, but then our eyes met and panic coursed through my body.

Robert you fool! I thought to myself. My body tensed up, I cleared my throat quickly heading to my bedroom.

"You fool! How can you be so stupid Robert, she's gonna think you are a absolute weirdo!" I quietly hissed to myself.

After closing my bedroom door behind me I decided this was the perfect opportunity to get ready for the gathering that was taking place today.

It had taken me quite sometime to finish. Most of the time was taken up in the wash room getting cleaned up. When I got dressed I had noticed that everyone was now awake and getting ready.

Going down the stairs there seemed to be a lot of commotion. I was correct some of the women had been all over the place helping my mother with food and decorations.

"Robert! Just the man I wanted to see." My mother said walking towards me.

"Yes what do you need mom?"

"Cabot Forbes has arrived and is asking for you. He is waiting outside in the front." She said with a smile.

A smirk appeared on my face, Forbes is my best friend, I was truly happy that he was able to make it. I made my way outside as I saw that he had his back turned. "How have you been Cabot?"

He quickly turned around with a big smile. "Robert! What a pleasure to see you!"

Cabot and I walked around the outside perimeter of the house for thirty minutes, talking about war and the union, a normal regular conversation.

"So Robert, have you found yourself a girl yet?" Cabot said looking at him.

A smile grew on my face, I looked down turning a bit red. "No Cabot I haven't."

"Your lying, go on tell me her name." Cabot playfully chuckled.

"Well Cabot, the woman I am speaking of makes me feel a certain way. I have no idea what this feeling is if I'm being honest." I said, it felt good to say that out loud.

"Ah...that my friend is called love..."

My eyes widened. "No! I've only known her one day! I can say that I am in like with her, but love? No one falls in love that fast."

"How do you know. You've never been in love." Cabot stated with a proud smirk

He has a point, that clever bastard.

Josette's POV

As time went by more and more guests arrived filling up the house. This gathering was for the soldiers who had just arrived home. Each soldier had to make their grand entrance, but they needed a escort, quite dramatic if you ask me.

Robert was supposed to be the last one to come down, because he was the Colonel. It made sense to me.

Lucky me I was his escort. I had no choice, Mr and Mrs. Shaw insisted that I do so.

All of the soldiers and escorts gathered upstairs waiting for their names to be called. The trumpets and drums could be heard playing downstairs with each 'grand' entrance.

"Are you nervous?" A man spoke and I turned around.

"Yes. Only a bit." I told Robert.

"Well don't be you'll do great." He said with a warm smile.

For a moment I had gotten lost in his hazel eyes, until I was snapped back into reality.

"And lastly, Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, with his escort Josette Frances Mikaelson!" A man shouted at the bottom of the stairs.

Robert gave me his arm so I could hook mine through.
The guests clapped, we both took our first steps down the stairs. My heart pounded as hundreds of eyes were on me, I held onto Robert a bit tighter.

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