Day 57

551 27 7

April 22nd, 1940.


Dear, Harry:

Fifty seven days. Fifty seven days without you, Haz. I feel like after what Eli told me yesterday, just makes me wonder if love is real or not. If love really is a thing. To think love is like what you see in the movies, makes me feel like love really is blind.

Not that our love isn't real. Or was. I don't even know what we're anymore, or if what we have or had, is even love at all. I know I probably shouldn't let a kid doubt my feelings like this, but I fear part of what he said is true. I just don't want to think we're doing this for nothing. That we don't really love each other and pretending just for the sake of it.

I just don't know anymore. You're far away from me, and I'm here writing you sappy love letters from maybe thousands of miles away. You're probably annoyed with me at the moment. I don't blame you, I'd be annoyed with me too. I just hope we can figure this out instead of having to doubt everything.

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