Kyoshi Island

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It took less than a day's flight to get to Kyoshi Island. When we did, I was fucking ready. We all were. I'd explained the situation to Jaeimien, and she was all on board for destroying the Green Lotus. Nobody knew who they were, they just knew that anyone in all black with a green bandanna covering everything but their eyes and a hood over their head was dangerous.

I had two missions. Get Mom out, and find out who the hell these people were.

Amber and I dropped the others off on the land next to Kyoshi Island, and they swam over. The signal got to us - a small stream of water hitting the spot between Amber and I  - to let us know they were all on the island safely. Amber steered her sky bison downward and onto the ground.

I hopped off. "Where's a member of the Green Lotus?" I yelled in the middle of the square. "I am Akemi Sato, and demand to see their leader!"

A few dozen members jumped from the shadows and took me down, as well as Amber. We tried to struggle, but failed. A trick that a Fire Nation prince and his mother taught me.

We then were taken to cells. Both were metal. We were across from one another. I pulled a small ball of air-dry clay from my mouth, which tasted gross but needed to stay wet, so it was needed. I molded it to fit the lock and left it in there for a good dozen minutes before unlocking my door. I tossed the key to Amber as I looked around for any other guards.


Hi, Dora. Nope, didn't use your tactics to keep things in order. Not at all. Also didn't allude to the fact that a certain ex-Firelord and prince are in a castle.

No, what gave you that idea??

As soon as we were both out, I ran down the halls to where I'd seen a heavily guarded stairwell that led downwards. Amber and I knocked all ten of them out. I took six down with my glove, shocking them enough to injure but not enough to kill, while she airbended their heads together. She handed me a pack of gum that Mother had invented and we chewed it as we continued.

As soon as that was taken care of, we ran down the flights of stairs, taking the occasional pair of guards down, until we came to the bottom. We had the automatic antidote to the sleeping gas we threw down in a gas bomb in the gum. A few seconds after, we ran into the room holding my Mom.

"Akemi Jane Sato! Amber Lin Beifong! What in hell are you doing? Is Asami here? How did your mothers agree to this?" Mom said.

"You're welcome," Amber said as soon as we'd finished untying Mom.

"We better run," I said.

"Wait." Mom grabbed our wrists. "Are you alone?"

"Shen, Jaei, and a street kid we picked up who happens to be his sister."


"Can we talk later? There's a kind of tight schedule."

Mom sighed and nodded. We ran through the halls, Mom metalbending the doors down so the others could escape. I came to the corner we'd agreed on, where Shen had opened the side of the building with the help of Jaei and Jaeimien, who were watching out for guards.

Mom grabbed all of us by making a huge air bubble kind of like Aang did for the iceberg. We were lifted up, and Mom steered us to the huge bison that was tied up. Amber and I untied Pengpeng while Mom woke her up and the others got on her back. As soon as Amber and I tried to climb up, though, she shook her head. "You'll need something to grab on to."

And they lived happily ever after.

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