Nakidori nodded slowly. "I agree... maybe that's why I choose the rescue occupation. I don't want to let people down or install false hope. I'd rather let them know everything is going to be fine, and they'll make it out of the catastrophe."

Hawks smiled softly. "You're a cool hero."

Nakidori felt her face warm up a few degrees and she waved her hands back and forth and few time. Hawks watching as her tail feathers also stuck up slightly from where they were resting on the side. She certainly had a hard time trying to hide her feelings and emotions with those feathers, didn't she?

"M-me?!" She shook her head now that the words were starting to be produced. "No way! You're a way cooler hero then me! I mean look at your popularity numbers! You're higher than Endeavor! He's only number one because he shows up to so many disasters!"

"Then he does..." Hawks chuckled. "I'd rather only show up if it's threatening my neck of the woods... plus, it's also nice to see what new heroes are on the scene too. So many of them are super cool."

"You like heroes too then?" Nakidori smiled, tilting her head slightly.

"Yeah I love them! That's why I wanted to be a hero... 'cause they were always so cool. Not saying I wanted to be cool or anything... but that I wanted to be someone that someone else could look towards and think 'Man... the world sure is a good place to live in since he's here to make sure we're all safe."

Nakidori nodded along, part of her happy to learn a bit more about her colleague like this. But despite that he was exactly that to her, she was too embarrassed to admit she had grown up thinking he was the coolest...and that after his debut when she was in high school, she wanted nothing more than to try and be a hero like him.

"But enough about me." Hawks spoke, cutting up a bit more of his meal as he spoke. "Tell me more about you, Nakidori."

"Me?" She blinked. "Well... I promise there's nothing too interesting. Unlike you, I haven't really done anything super big or heroic."

Nakidori sighed. "While I love being a rescue hero more than anything in this world, I don't get much recognition since the heroes who are on the front lines tend to get the most credit. But then again... I can't tell you how much it means to me when someone I saved writes me a letter."

She chuckled slightly. "I don't know... I just can't help but feel like I don't deserve the thanks. I mean, I was only doing my job and if anything I'm more grateful to the people who feel as if they need to thank me for my actions that was me simply trying to make sure no one else died on a day that they didn't need to."

Nakidori looked up, seeing as she had been distracted and stirring her noodles a bit as she spoke. When she did, she noticed Hawks looking directly at her, hand on his cheek and looking totally capitated by what she was saying. But being her, and still trying to figure out what she felt towards him, she couldn't help but let out a tiny squeak and fumbled her words.

"S-sorry! I was rambling!" She chided herself. "I usually don't do that... sorry for boring you with weird ideas of why I became a hero..."

Hawks shook his head. "You didn't do that at all... if anything I think you're way cooler than before."

Nakidori whined gently, pressing her face into her hands in a poor attempt to hide her embarrassment at his words. Hawks chuckled slightly, seeing as he not only found her cool, but maybe also a little bit cute as well. The way her emotions were tied into her tail feathers and how her face turned pink and matched her red hair and gold eyes was too much for him to not think she was a bit adorable.

"Anyway... you graduated from UA, right?" Hawks moved the subject along, not wanting her feel like she was in a constant state of foolishness of anything.

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