Chapter 2

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Picture of outfit on side! I love the song! Listen while you read!

I trudged through the soggy grass, grimacing as my leather boots flung dirt onto my black cloak. My black hair fell on my shoulders, tangled and greasy. I was in desperate need of a bath.

I finally made it to the outskirts of Rohan, the fog was thick and made me feel dirtier then it should have. I could smell the distinct smell of alcohol and hear the faint rumble of laugher coming from the bar. It made my heart heavy. They could all have families, mine was ruined.

I pulled my cloak closer and slid my knifes into my boots. I stepped onto the dock and walked into the great kingdom. No person was on the streets and it made me weary, yet I could hear the laughter of children and howling of animals.

I reached a familiar home and knocked on the door. A old and wrinkled man opened the door, he smelt of liquor and candles. "Liken?" I spoke, hoping my voice would not fail me.

"Liken was my father, he has been dead for years. Who are you?"

My heart sank at the sound of my close friend perishing. I swallowed down the need to whimper and spoke, "I am a close friend, my name is Elica, perhaps you have heard of me?" I whispered pulling my hood back.

"Oh dear, please Miss, come in," he spoke holding the door open. The home was small not much bigger then a hobbit hole, yet it held so many cherished memories. The hole my sister, Gloria, made when she snorted water laughing so hard and knocked the chair into the wall, was still there. It was smaller then I remember, I let out a soft laugh at the memory.

"My name is Hatan," the old man spoke, "Please, sit, I shall get some tea." He gestured towards the same old sofa. I took a seat and wrinkled my nose when I recalled when Melanie poured dirt on my head and grew a tree on me. I bet the soil is under the cushions, waiting for my sister to return it to the forest.

"Here you are Miss," Hatan gave me a cup of tea and sat next to me. "My father spoke of you and your sisters often."

"Yes, your father... he was a great man. What ever happened?" I asked, pulling my hood off completely. He hesitated and I silently cursed myself for being ignorant. "Sorry, you do not have to tell me."

"No, no, it is quite alright. He died in his sleep a few years ago." He spoke looking down. "So, how did you know my father?"

"He was a great warrior, but not the most agile," I chuckled, remembering the late fall day. "He tripped over a tree branch, right into my sister, Irene. He went all crazy, thinking my sister would smite him, but in truth, I think she liked him." Hatan's jaw dropped at this.

"So what happened?" He questioned, scooting closer. I smiled at his enthusiasm.

"She told him all was well and to be more careful. Yet he continued to ramble on about how sorry he was, so she kissed him to make him shut up. His cheeks turned so hot she froze them!" I laughed out, remembering the look on his face. "Then he took us here, and we all became the best of friends."

It was great to have these memories, yet, it stung to not remember them with my family, you know, before my mother went fully mad.

"Anyways, what is it you need?" He spoke yawning.

"I need a place to stay for a week or so, I mean if thats quite alright with you." I asked.

His eyes lit up. "Of course! Please make yourself at home! I mean you know the way around!" I smiled as he walked away to his fathers old bedroom.

I stood up and walked to the washroom. I drew a bath and sat in. I soon drifted off into a dream filled sleep.


I sat in a forest, face to face with elves. One with long, red hair. And another with long, blond hair. They escorted me to a kingdom, their eyes burning holes in the back of my head. When we reached the castle, I was suddenly surrounded by guards. I was cuffed and shoved into a oversized cage. I simply sat there, for days on end, refusing to eat anything, refusing to talk. Until the one blond elf came down to visit. Now I am in the forest fighting side by side with the blond elf, stabbing Orcs and dodging arrows. The scene changes yet again,I now find my self on top of a hill, a battle raging all around me, bodies littered the ground. And I just stood there, minutes passed and my hand reached for my dagger, and I drove it into my heart, muttering a spell as I fell.

I shot awake, panting and feeling my chest for any sort of impalement, all I feel is the now cold water of my bath. I believe I am the new prophecy...

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