Are We There Yet?

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"Sure," Jade said nodding her head. She turned around and began to walk back to her seat.

"What did she say?" Zach asked. When he noticed the disgusted look on her face he became concerned. "It's not that bad is it?"

Jade sat down and rubbed her forehead. "I didn't get to ask."

"Why not?"

"Olivia's....kind of...too busy at the moment."

"Oh," Zach said. They sat silent for a minute and Zach's eyes perked. "They weren't?"

"Weren't what?" Jade asked.


Jade's eyes widened when she caught what he was asking. "Umm I think they were."

"On the plane?"

"On the plane," Jade answered and sighed.

"Oh," Zach whispered and shifted in his seat. "They're both freaks."

"Tell me about it," Jade giggled.

Zach shook his head unconsciously. "Mind if I ask how?"

"Ask how?" Jade said.

"How...are...they," Zach said using his hands to portray an image. "Could..."

Jade gave Zach a playful hit to the shoulder. "Nasty."

"Hey I was just wondering how they could be doing that up there and not get caught."

"Ok, ok, ok I'll tell you pervert. She's sitting in his lap, but they're covered up below the waist and he's bouncing her on his knee like Santa Claus at the mall. Happy?" Jade enlightened him.

"Sir here's your dinner," the flight attendant said interrupting the embarrassing conversation. Both of the two seated people each had a blush atop their cheeks.

"Oh it's for her," Zach said pointing at Jade. The attendant quickly pulled down the tray- that was on the back of the seat in front of Jade- and laid the meal down. After, she quickly retreated back to wherever she came from. Jade looked at Zach and gave him a death glare. "Eat up."

"I don't think I can eat after what I just saw." Jade heard Zach begin to chuckle and smiled to herself as she looked at her food. Well bottom's up!

The rest of the flight wasn't so miserable as Jade would have thought. She got to talk to Zach, which made up for all the lost time that they had over the last four weeks. Zach had been working on his book, but got caught in a slight problem with the ending, so he had put it on hiatus for the time being. So, that meant that he would be able to spend all of his time with her on the trip. Jade, of course was overly happy about that, but she wondered how the trip would really be. She remembered Olivia talking about all the plans of going out for dinner, seeing the sights, and blah; but. from all of the activity that was going on in front of them told Jade differently. She began to believe that the trip was really a honeymoon for Josh and Olivia. Ah, those two definitely were widening their relationship. That was more than she could say for her own personal relationship.

"Did you guys get your bags?" Olivia asked sleepily. She yawned and grabbed her suitcase looking back at her friends. They all shrugged in unison.

"I think we just want to go Liv," Jade said. She held her things tightly in her left hand, but she cold barely even keep her eyes open.

"Me too," Olivia yawned again. "Let's go then."

The whole gang followed behind Olivia like a pack of droopy dogs. The crowd at the Maine airport wasn't that packed as you would have thought since it was just two days before Christmas. You would have thought it would be packed full of people trying to get together with their families. Jade closed her eyes briefly when they finally made it outside. The night air was so cold that she wished that she wore herself some mittens and an ear muff. She clutched her bags tighter and looked around.

"Are you cold?" Zach whispered in her ear. She shook her head up and down, but never uttered a syllable. He put his things down wrapping his arms around her waist, making sure to pull her closer to his chest. He laid his head on her shoulder and nibbled on her neck softly. "Better?"

Jade smiled. "It's a lot better." She noticed that Olivia and Josh were both looking up and down the roadway for something. At least, they weren't paying them any kind of attention. She heard a soft snore on her left shoulder and looked at Zach's sleepy figure with his eyes closed. She smiled and sat her head atop of his and tried to hold his body weight. She didn't want to wake him up, but it seemed like he had decided to not only rest his eyes but wanted to really fall asleep. She lost her balance and stumbled a bit waking Zach up. He quickly got her from seriously hurting herself and pulled her back into his arms.

"What do you think your doing?" Zach asked groggily.

"I was about to kill over from your damn weight. You need to lose a couple of pounds," Jade joked. She got another hardy nibble for that remark and giggled.

Zach tightened his grip around her waist. "You better say you're sorry," Zach said against her skin.

"And if I don't Mr. Harris?" Jade asked.

"I don't know, but I'll get you later."

Jade scoffed. "Ooo, I'm really scared."

"So, you aren't going to say it then?" Zach growled.

Jade shook her head in response.

"Fine then I'm going to get you later you can count on that," Zach warned Jade and let her go. He grabbed his things off of the ground and moved in closer to Josh and Olivia. Jade began to follow when the sight of a white stretched limo pulled up in front of them. Her mouth nearly fell open when Olivia jumped up with glee. An elderly man came out and collected everyone's luggage and placed in the trunk. Jade gave the man her bag and followed behind everyone else when they piled into the limo.

"You are a spoiled little bitch," Zach laughed when Jade entered the limo. He was sitting on the seat that was right at the door and Olivia and Josh were nicely cuddled up at the top of the limo. Jade slowly got in and was pulled down to the seat right beside Zach, so that she was sitting between him and the window.

"Well I would have guessed that Jade could have told you that," Olivia said.

"She hasn't told me anything like that. I only hear the good things about you Olivia," Zach said. He looked at Jade and gave her a sudden wink. "I feel sorry for Josh over there. Man, how are you going to be expected to show that woman the fine things in life?"

Josh shrugged and kissed Olivia's temple. "She loves me for me, so I don't think it matters if we're rich or poor."

"That's right!" Olivia backed him up. Before, the limo started to move she got up and seated herself between Josh's legs. Josh willingly allowed her to and slid his hands under her shirt. "Because I love him!"

"What a love, huh?" Zach asked Jade who had been silent.

"Yea it is," Jade answered with a slight annoyance in her voice. She looked out the window and watched everything go by and propped her arm up on the seat. She closed her eyes and saw Josh and Olivia making out in the corner of the now dark limo. She felt like falling asleep, but she just couldn't. Instead she sat up and leaned onto Zach's shoulder. He patted the top of her head gently and made her more comfortable.

"Did you know that I love you more than life itself," Zach said only audible enough for Jade to hear.

"Are we playing that game?" Jade asked. "Did you know that goldfish only have a memory span of three seconds?"

Zach lightly chuckled. "I didn't know that. Let's see, did you know that you aren't born with kneecaps?"

"Really!?" Jade asked lifting her eyebrow. "I don't believe that!"

"It's true," Zach reassured her.

"I still don't believe it."

"You don't have to just wait until our first child is born," Zach laughed.

Jade looked at him doubtfully. "What?"

"Nothing. Why don't you try to get some rest before we make it to the cabin."

"If you say," Jade replied and closed her eyes. It didn't matter if she closed her eyes or not because she still heard what he had said. Even, if Zach had said it as a joke...their first child? He was looking that far into their personal relationship? But, the funny thing about it was that she really didn't mind.

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