Dreams,Questions and Secrets

Start from the beginning

"Josh..." Jade pleaded again. "Don't do this please..."

"You've been using me Jade," he angrily said climbing over her body. "You're in love with Zach, but you still led me on."

"In love...with Zach..." Jade whispered to herself.

"To think I thought you were the one!"

"Josh I never meant to hurt you..."

"Fuck you!" Josh said. He closed his eye and chuckled. "And I think that's exactly what I'm going to do," he laughed evilly. A rip there, a tear here and Jade was helpless. "Are you ready Jade?"

"No! Please don't Josh!" Jade screamed, hot tears rolled down her eyes.

"Jade!" another voice called out. "Jade!"

"Huh," Jade muttered, opening her eyes. She saw an asphalt road and the sun was shining in her eyes.

"Jade are you ok?" Jade smoothed her hands on her face, noticing everything had changed. She wasn't in a bed...she was in the rental car with Zach driving beside her. "Jade!"

"I'm ok," Jade softly said and looked around. She settled back in her seat and sighed. "Umm...where are we?"

Zach glanced at her confusingly. "We're in Texas now! Good thing you woke up in time, to show me the way to your mom's house," Zach laughed, but cut it short. He was more concerned with the look on Jade's face when she'd woken up. "Feeling ok?"

"Yea sure, I guess I had a nightmare or something!" Jade said, smiling weakly.

"If you're sure, then do you recognize anything around here?" Zach pointed out. Jade looked out the window and she did notice the area.

"This is where I use to go shopping with my girlfriends over there. Oh...oh that's the restaurant where we used to hang out," Jade said happily. "We're not that far away from home. Just take a left at that light and then go about two miles down..."

Jade pointed out all the hotspots to Zach as they passed them and gave directions to her mother's house. Or should it be their mother's house? She looked at Zach and smiled. It was so weird! Not, just because of all the emotions and feelings she was going through, but because the way it was planned out. They were going to visit her mother's house, but wasn't her mother considered to be Zach's mother now too! And what the hell was up with that dream? She loved Zach?

"Is that it?" Zach said stopping the car. Jade looked out, happy to focus on something else, and looked at the house in front of her. Everything erased from her mind that she had worried about. Seeing her house again she couldn't help but smile. She was back home after staying away for about...four months but, they had been the longest months of her life!

Jade got out of the car and stared at the house. Everything was the same still, but something was different about it that she couldn't put her finger on. It was still that cute tannish color that reflected the look of the big hills in the background. The yard was full of plant life, showing that her mother still had an excellent green thumb. Jade took in the air, able to smell the fresh country air. It was so different from the business and city life air.

"Oh it's just as I remembered it," Jade sighed, wrapping her arms around her chest.

"It's nice, I can really see you growing up here," Zach said, coming from out the car. He joined Jade in front of the car and nudged her with his shoulder. "Nervous!?"

"Why would I be nervous about coming home?" Jade asked.

"I don't know..." Zach said. "I just thought you would be. But, since your not, we should go and say hi!" Zach walked up the neat little brick walkway and Jade followed behind him. "Sarah really loves her flowers."

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