"I didn't do anything," she said raising both arms up in the air.

"I thought you said you didn't want anything?" Zach asked, raising his eyebrows. He finished paying and crossed his arms across his chest looking at her questioningly.

"Just had to stretch," Jade said rubbing the back of her ear. "It gets hard on the body to just sit in one spot for about five hours."

"Yea, well let's go, we've got a long way to go. We're almost out of Nevada."

"Really? Wow, maybe I should drive and give you a break," Jade recommended.

Zach licked his lips and kicked at the ground lightly, causing dirt and dust to become airborne. "I can drive the rest of the way out. The map says it's not that long till we hit Arizona."

"Do you not trust me to drive?" Jade asked.

"I trust you, I just picked a spot where we should spend the night and I didn't draw anything for you to follow. That's all!" Zach assured her. Jade turned on her heels and walked back to her side of the car. She eyed the greasy guy still sitting on a chair when he gave her another whistle.

"You want some of this darling?" he asked rubbing his beer belly.

"No thank you," Jade replied and cringed when he responded by licking his lips. "Oh god!" Jade grumbled to herself, opening her door and getting in.

"What's up?" Zach asked her when he noticed her disgusted look.

"Ugh, that guy out there was harassing me."

Zach leaned over her to take a look at the guy. "Him?" Zach pointed. Jade nodded her head and sighed.

"Disgusting isn't he?" Jade said. She looked over at Zach to notice he was...gone! The next thing she knew her door flew open and Zach grabbed her wrist. "Zach...Zach! Where are you taking me?" Jade complained. Finally, she jerked her wrist from him, looking up to notice she was standing a couple of feet from Mr. Greasy, who was still sitting in the chair.

"Sir, I would like you to apologize to this woman," Zach demanded.

"Is this your woman?" the guy chortled, nasally.

"I am not his woman," Jade mocked the guy. "Zach let's go."

"We aren't going until he apologizes for harassing you!" Zach told her, and then focused his attention back on the guy. "Now, apologize!"

The guy chuckled and blew his nose on his shirt. "Mister I ain't apologizin' for nuthin!" the guy said, giving a snort.

"Ok," Zach said calmly. He balled his right hand up and in one quick move he punched the big guy powerfully. He yanked the big guy out of the chair and threw him on the store door. "I want you to fucking apologize to the lady, before I get really mad fat-ass!"

"I'm sorry!" the guy sputtered out, blood trickled down his nose.

"You're sorry what!?" Zach said thrashing the gut on the door again. The light, which was on above the door, flickered from the powerful force.

"I...I...I'm sorry ma'am," the guy said loudly. Zach let the guy's collar go and backed away, grabbing the shaken up Jade's hand. He pulled her to the car and moved to the other side of the car. When Jade got in the car she fumbled with the seat belt. She looked back at the gas station in her side mirror, as they drove away into the night.

Neither one of them spoke to each other the rest of the way out of Nevada. Jade couldn't believe that Zach had fought a guy! And what for...her! This was the second time he had fought for her wasn't it? The car came to a stop suddenly and a flashing sign read: Motel.

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